Chapter 20

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"Hmmm," Rebecca smelled her food as it was slid on the counter. Raph sat next to her in Marukamis restaurant.

"Thank you Marukami for serving us so late at night," Raph thanked.

"Any thing for Turtle-Chan and April-Sans friend," The blind man replied and slid Raphs dish to him. Rebecca looked at Raph.

"This is nice..." She smiled. The red clad turtle grinned and began to eat.

Marukami smiled and started to cook something. Rebecca saw no other customers. Soon the blind chef turned back and slid a tray of extra food to them.

"On the house..." Murakami grinned. "For the cute couple." He turned away leaving the two of them blushing deeply.

A small side of sugar candy sat on the plate. Raph noticed Rebecca looking at it curiously.

"It's to symbolize a sweet future ahead. They give this to married couples in Japan." Raph said picking up one of the candies.

"But were not..." Rebecca looked to see Murakami chuckling.

"Not yet anyway." The blind man said. She sighed and let out a small giggle.

After stuffing themselves Rebecca and Raph said goodbye to Murakami and exited his restaurant.

"I have another place I want to take you," Raph smirked.

"Alright," Rebecca said uneasily.

"It's a surprise so..." Raph slipped off his bandana.

"Blindfold huh?" Rebecca giggled. "I think this feels familiar."

He gently tied the mask on her backwards. He slipped her on his back and carried Rebecca piggy back style. They leaped over buildings until Raph reached level ground.

"All I see is red..." Rebecca commented.

"Is that bad?" He asked.

"No." She tightened her grip on him. "It's my favorite color." Raph smiled at that. She was slowly dropped onto what felt like grass.

"I know it's not much considering where you used to live but... New York doesn't just have buildings and thugs." Raph sat down in front of her. He slipped the bandana off of her to reveal greenery.

"Is this..." Rebecca breathed. "Central Park?" She looked at it in amazement.

"Ya... The only green part of the Big Apple... Or the only one I know of." Raph chuckled. Rebecca took in the smell of grass and the look of trees. She looked at a nearby bench with a hobo sleeping on it.

"Don't mind him," Raph directed her attention to the sky. Rebecca had seen stars on the roof before but out here the stars sparkled and shined tenfold.

"Woah." A small shooting star passed and disappeared. She turned to him. "Thanks Raphie," Rebecca gave a playful tug to his bandana.

"It's no biggey," Raph leaned in slightly.

"Want to try that kiss again? You know when I'm not saving your life?" Rebecca chuckled.

"I'd like that." They both slowly leaned in. "This feels right," She thought. Their lips met.

Raph and Rebecca kissed deeply with passion. Then a small sound reached her ears. She opened her eyes slightly to see something pop out of the ground. Sprinklers. They started up immediately. The cold water took Raph by surprise. He fell on top of her and looked at the watering device. He looked down at Rebecca who still smiled.

"Looks like water always finds us when we kiss," Raph joked.

"Well it wouldn't be polite to keep it waiting," Rebecca gestured for another kiss.

"Your darn right," Raph lowered his head. It was a more rough kiss but Rebecca didn't care.

Rebecca wrapped her arms around his neck. The water soaked the two of them making the them glow from the street lights.

"I truly love him." Her mind buzzed. An image of Leo flashed in her mind. His cute dorky face changing to a mortified expression. Rebecca pulled away.

"What's wrong?" Raph asked sitting up.

"Oh no it's nothing..." Rebecca waved a hand. "It's just that it's soon going to be daylight so we should head back to the lair." Raph gave a grin that made Rebecca's face turn red.

"Alright," he stood and held out a hand for her to take.

"Oh crap... I gotta make up my mind soon." She thought and took his hand.

I'm trying to post chapters more... So ya... I always like to read what you guys think it makes me want to write more so thanks! :)

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