Chapter 18

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"You alright Rebecca?" Leo asked as she entered the lair.

"Oh um ya," She quickly hid the doll. Rebecca had the look of worry and puzzlement.

"You sure? Are you sick?" Raph fretted.

"I'm fine really!" She slowly backed up in her room. "I just need some time alone."

She plopped onto her bed and examined the small doll. It was almost unreal.

"If I have a brother then... where was he when the car crash happened?" Rebecca strained her memory. She remembered the car flipping and seeing her two parents... but was there a third person? She was slowly getting somewhere when she was snapped out of the trance from a knock on her door.

"Can I come in?" Leo's voice sounded muffled on the other side of the door.

"Ya," Rebecca slid the doll under her pillow. He slowly pushed the door open and looked at her.

"You looked upset..." He began.

"I am," Rebecca tried to giggle.

"What's wrong?" He sat on the edge of the bed.

"I don't think I can tell you...not yet anyway," Rebecca sighed.

"Do you not trust me?" Leo asked. She turned and smiled at him.

"I do trust you...its just I can't tell you..." Rebecca gave him a playful punch to the arm. "Your so cute when your worried."

He gave a small smile. Something was missing. A kiss maybe? But Rebecca didn't dare. She had to make up her mind and not lead them on.

"So um... thanks for your concern but I really need to get some sleep..." She pushed Leo out of the room. He stopped at the door way and looked at her with his handsome blue eyes.

"Goodnight," He said gently. Her face reddened and she slammed the door shut.

"Looks like I have too much on my mind lately," She grumbled.

"Tomorrow I'm going to have to face my brother," It nagged at her mind as she wrapped herself in the covers and slipped off into a worrisome sleep.

The car slammed. The semi truck sent them tumbling down the slope. Rebecca stood watching it happen. It was snowing and it soon turned red. How had she gotten out?

She sat there in the car seat crying. Her parents had not survived the violent tumble but someone else did.

"Come on!" Will shouted as he unstrapped her from her seat. He picked her up and kicked open the car door as it teetered off a cliff. He threw Rebecca out and scrambled out letting the car fall.

They both stared at the car sitting in blood stained snow. Rebecca buried herself in her brothers chest as she sobbed. Will looked at her sadly but noticed something in the snow.

He took it and brushed it off. He slowly slipped it into her hair.

"Look it's moms favorite hair pin," He said gently. Rebecca sniffed and looked at it and gave a small smile.

"This is a dream isn't it?" Rebecca said in awe taking in everything. "A dream of my memory." Slowly a dark figure appeared behind the two children.

"Hello," It was a dark unfriendly voice.

"Who are you?" Will questioned holding Rebecca tightly.

"I am here to make you an offer. Come join me and I'll give you food and shelter," He knelt down by him.

"We don't talk to strangers!" Will turned away.

"But just think you could have this all back. The feeling of belonging in a family," He gave a small smile.

"Well maybe..." Will stuttered.

"Yes, see be reasonable," The man slowly stood.

"Rebecca's coming right?" Will asked slowly standing. The man looked at the small girl with a tear stained face.

"No she is too weak."

Will stopped. "I'm not going without Rebecca!" He proclaimed.

"Yes you will!" The man snatched the girl from his hands and held a sharp blade to her neck. "You will come with me or I will kill her, the last bit of family you have." He snarled. Will looked away in defeat.

"Please let her go!" The man slowly lowered Rebecca down and grabbed Will.

"If you try to escape your sister will never be safe," The figure laughed evilly. He gave one last look at his sister. Rebecca sat there looking at him.

"He left to save me... for fifteen years!" She stopped. "Was that the...."

"Shredder," Rebecca sat up. She looked to see her dark room. Cold sweat ran down her face. She breathed heavily and slid her hand under the pillow pulling out the doll. Rebecca hugged it gently and relaxed.

"What does he have to do with my past?" She couldn't remember the mans facial features.

The next night Rebecca followed her brothers instructions and snuck out of the sewers to the rooftops. He stood there just staring up at the sky.

"So you came?" Will turned and looked at her. Rebecca held the doll close.

"Did you really do it?" She stuttered.

"Do what?" He asked.

"Did you really join the foot clan to protect me?" It was silent for a moment.

"Yes... and no..." Will smiled. "At first I hated it. Being without you... forced to go through grueling training all for your safety." He straightened. "I hated the man... Shredder." Rebecca took a quick intake of breathe. "Yes you have heard of him..." Will stood in front of her. "I had no idea what this man wanted to do with me... but over the years I became more skilled and powerful. I realized then that I was lucky. The Shredder had seen my potential. Now I'm one of the best." He smiled proud of himself.

Rebecca looked down at the ground. "Once I heard the news of someone named Rebecca associated with our enemy the turtles... well I sent every ninja I had in command to see if it was you." Will lifted her face up with his hand. "And it is.... my little sister, Rebecca... the Shredder considered you weak at the time... he was right of course. You had no potential." Her eyes filled with anger.

"But now you've begun to learn ninjitsu all on your own. It's obvious you've only begun. I find it interesting I've been reunited with my sister who is on the opposite side. The enemy side." Rebecca pulled away.

"They aren't enemies. Their my friends." She snapped.

"They have poisoned your mind! Don't you see that? The Shredder is the only one we can truly trust. He is my father and will become yours too. Your much stronger then you were before. Join the foot clan." Will held out his hand. Her heart stopped. She stared at his hand.

"The foot clan?" Her mind was in shock. Never had she thought of joining it.

"Be with me... Your brother," Will urged. "Together we can fight the same foe.... we won't have to fight one another."

The silence was almost to much. The wind blew distracting her thoughts. She was torn. The turtles or her brother?

:) Hehehehe... Interesting?

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