Chapter 24

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 "Mikey!" Raph wanted to scream.

"Get the others out of here." He ordered. Rebecca wanted to help but hesitantly climbed into the vent. She told the others the way out. She saw Raph climb in and go another direction. They quickly made it out.

"You guys stay here and hide... I need to go help Raph." Rebecca said. They obeyed a rested against a small generator. She slid back into the vents. Rebecca could hear Raph crawling through the shafts. She found him fairly easy.

"What are you doing here?!" He hissed.

"You told me to get the others out of here and that's what I did," She shot back. "Now come and lets save Mikey and Leo." Raph shook his head but lead the way to one of the vent exits. It was the small room again. Shredder held Mikey high up. Leos eyes widened as he saw his little brother.

 "Now tell me or the puny one dies," Shredder threatened.

"Mikey..." Leo stood weakly as blood slid down his arm.

"Mikey? That's the turtles name? That's a start for talking," Shredder kicked the blue clad turtle down.

"Leo!" Mikey whimpered.

"I'm fine," Leo said as he was crushed under Shredders foot.

"Tell me," The Shredder put his blades to Mikeys neck. "Or I will finish him and bring in the other turtle."

"Your a monster," Leo spat.

 "We cant save them," Raph said darkly.

"What?" Rebecca said in fear.

"We cant take the Shredder head on..." Raph looked defeated.

"We are not leaving without them," Rebecca snapped.

"We have no choice," Raph choked up.

"We do have a choice. We always have a choice. We cant leave them," Before another word was spoken a small sound of scraping metal caught their attention.

 There was a small groaning sound and they felt the vents fall from under them. They both fell along with the collapsing air vent. It broke through the ceiling making chunks of brick and other things hit the small room. The Shredder coughed and dropped Mikey. Leo scrambled to his terrified brother. He tried to move him to the safest part of the room. As the dust and debris cleared Shredder saw two figures laying on the pile of stones.

 Rebecca coughed. Their faces were covered in grime. Raph had been knocked out by the fall. Rebecca looked at him and then at the Shredder.

"Raph!" Rebecca shook him but he did not wake. The Shredder looked at her interested but his eyes were set on the turtle.

"Looks like your brother handed himself over," The Shredder smirked at the huddled Leo and Mikey.

"Step aside girl," Shredder said as he stepped closer to the unconscious turtle.

 Fear buzzed through Rebaccas veins. She quickly slid out one of Raphs sais and held it in one hopeless struggle to live.

"No." She said firmly. Shredder took another step.

"I will kill anyone who gets in my way," Shredder growled. She raised the blade up.

"Don't touch him! Or any of my family ever again!" She shouted trying to hide her tears of fear and her shaking.

"Rebecca! Go!" Leo shouted.

"Rebbeca? Why do you seem familiar?" The Shredder loomed over her.

 "That's because you've taken my family away once before," Rebecca said darkly. The Shredder laughed.

"I remember now. Your the weak little girl that survived when I killed your parents." Rebeccas eyes widened.

"What? No they died in a accidental car crash." Shredder had a smirk under his mask.

"Was it accidental?" He chuckled.

"Why?..." Rebecca held her ground.

"I had been eyeing your brother... it was his last test and he survived. Sadly he saved you too. You should have died. From the looks of it your still the weak sniveling little girl that I left to die in the snow." He continued to get closer. "Now how did that weak little girl become part of Hamato Yoshis family?" The Shredder said in wonderment. "Either way you must die. You are one of Hamatos pupils and a loose end that I should have gotten rid of long ago."

Rebecca lunged. Shredder was taken by surprise and blocked it with his arm. The blade dug into his flesh. He swung his arm smacking Rebecca away.

"Your brave but that is just another word for foolishness." He growled removing the sia.

 Rebeca stood quickly. Shredder attacked with lightening fast blows. Rebecca grunted as she blocked one but received the two others. She was driven against the wall as Shredder did a quick side kick. She rolled out of the way when the Shredder aimed to smash her skull. He made a punch directly toward her face but she moved and he cracked the wall.

 Rebecca was bruised but that didn't stop her. She tried to give him a punch. He caught her wrist and twisted it painfully. She sent her other fist that was caught as well. She looked into his cold dark eyes.

"Your weak." His blades slid out. It moved closer to her face. "Any last words?" He grinned evilly. She noticed Leo behind the Shredder. He held Mikey and what looked to be a thumbs up.

 "Take this!" Raph yelled as he came up from behind the Shredder.

"Your awake!" Rebecca exclaimed. He held his other sia and drove it into the Shredders back.

He screamed in pain as he let Rebecca go. Then he screamed again. One of Raphs other sais penetrated his skin. But who threw it? Raph grabbed her wrist and quickly lead the way. They ran to what was left of the airshaft and followed behind Mikey and Leo. As Rebecca looked back she saw someone. A figure sat high up on the supporting beams. He moved his face to the light and smiled.

"Will..." She realized that her brother had... "He saved me?" She was then led deeper into the vents and left the horrifying  and mysterious room.

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