Chapter 23

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The wind had picked up. Rebecca looked up at the towering building.

"So Leo and the others are in there?" She asked Raph as he handed her climbing tools.

"That's what the tracker said but we knew they were going to take him here." Rebecca looked at him.

"Why did we put the tracker on Leo then?" Raph walked over to the wall.

"It will help us find the others quickly. Trust me you do not want to stay in this place for long."

Rebecca looked up nervously. "Come on and hold on tight." Raph held his hand out.

"I-I can climb on my own..." She replied trying to act not afraid. The red clad turtle gently took her hand and drew her close.

"Your not strong enough to pull yourself up yet." he said in a soothing tone. it made Rebecca's face red but she obeyed and Raph indicated for her to climb on his back. She clambered on and held him tightly. he tied a rope around the two of them.

"So you don't fall off." Raph said. Rebecca nodded but held her tight grip. Slowly they ascended up the building. "Relax were almost there." Raph said gently as he noticed her white knuckles. She kept her eyes shut tight.

Raph grunted as he heaved the two of them up on top of the tall building. He untied the rope but Rebecca still clung to him.

"Were here." he finally said. Rebecca blushed and let him go slightly embarrassed.

"Right."  Raph walked over to a grate in the ground. He unscrewed it and opened it.

"Remember this is a silent rescue mission. There is no way we are going to be able to take the Shredder head on." Rebecca nodded and they jumped into the air vent. Raph crawled and looked at the device that tracked Leo.

"He's coming up after we take this turn." He whispered to Rebecca. they both moved through the vents quietly. She peeked through one of the grates.

"Raph!" Rebecca tried her best not to yell. She could see a small room and Splinter and the other two turtles hanging from shackles. "The others are in there." Raph looked at her confused. "But Leo is this way..."

Raph made his way a little farther up and looked through another grate. He made his way over it for Rebecca to see too.

"Leo.." She breathed. Leo sat in a small dark room separated from the others. The room didn't look like a place of confinement more like a

"Torture room..." Raph whispered.

Rebecca was about to lift the grate when Raph signaled for her to stop. A metal door swung open and a tall figure entered. His armor shined from the light coming from his entrance.

"That's the Shredder..." Rebecca realized.

"So your the Leonardo Karai has told me about," The Shredders voice was deep and menacing. "You were foolish to try to escape in your condition. Now tell me where are the other turtle?"

"He's not after me too?" Rebecca thought. Leo sat in a meditation position and stayed silent.

"Speak you fool...or would you rather have it screamed out of you?" Shredders blades popped out. Leo looked at him but still did not speak. The next moment happened so fast. Leo was lifted and thrown against the wall. As Leo tried to stand the Shredder kicked him back down.

"Now tell me or next time it won't be my fists," Shredder showed his blades again. The blue clad turtle struggled to sit back up. Rebecca's heart pounded in her ears as she saw the Shredder drive his blades into Leos unprotected arm.

Everything was silent in Rebecca's mind. Here eyes widened as the Shredder stabbed Leo in what felt like slow motion. His blood slid out and the only sound she could hear was Leo as he screamed out in pain. Shredder looked at Leos still determined face not to talk.

"Hamato Yoshi has taught you well." He said withdrawing his blade.

"We need to get the others now." Raph whispered.

"What about Leo!?" Rebecca kept her voice down.

"We'll come back for him." Raph reached to put a hand on Rebecca's shoulder. "I promise."

Rebecca could only focus on Raphs emerald eyes. The horror of seeing Leo stabbed had put her into panic but Raphs eyes kept her calm.

"If we fail Leo will be going through this for nothing." Raph somehow managed to turn her around. They crawled back and Raph opened the grate to Splinter and the others. He dropped in followed by Rebecca.

"Calm down... I need to help Raph." She thought trying to focus. Splinter looked up.

"Rapheal... Rebecca..." He said weakly.

"You came for us!" Mikey looked up relieved. His face was beaten and tear stained.

"Of course they did. They are family." Donnie said as Rebecca unshackled him with Raphs sai.

Raph got Splinter out and made his way over to Mikey as Rebecca helped the other two to the air vent. Splinter and Donnie crawled in weakily. Mikey had tears streaming down his face.

"It's alright Mikey were here." Raph tried to calm him.

"I was so scared...." Mikey sobbed. Rebecca's heart almost shattered. Raph looked at his brother and lifted his sai to break the shackles. Just then someone's foot steps sounded from outside the door.

"Hide." Raph ordered. The others slid into the vent to hide.

"Raph wait! Please don't leave me!" Mikey pleaded. There was no time to unshackled him so Raph slid behind a crate so Mikey could still see him.

The door opened and everyone was silent. The Shredder entered. He walked by the two empty shackles not noticing it's missing occupants. Shredders eyes were set on Mikey. He roughly removed the small turtles shackles as he whimpered in fear. Shredder lifted Mikey up. The poor turtle shook.

"If I can't get your brother to talk I know with you he will have no choice." The Shredder let out a deep evil laugh. "That's what makes you turtles weak."

Mikey made eye contact with Raph. Rapheal felt helpless as his brother silently pleaded for help and the short exchange came to an end when Shredder walked out with Michelangelo.

"No." Rebecca thought as she watched him take innocent Mikey away from any hope he had.

...Did I mess with your feels? >:)

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