Chapter 22

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Leo looked at them in disbelief. "You have a brother?" Leo stuttered. "How?" Rebecca turned her head away.

"He saved me from the car accident... But the Shredder wanted him to join the foot and threatened my life for his... corporation." She explained.

"That's terrible!" Leo tried to sit up but Rebecca wouldn't let him. "How are you for sure hes your brother? I mean you never ran a DNA test..." Raph cut him off.

"Oh don't worry I can draw a lot of blood from that guy for a DNA sample."

"Chill Raph." Rebecca was too worried to make her voice calm. All she could think about was Donnie and Splinter... and poor Mikey. "I'm so sorry guys." Leo shook his head.

"We have to do something and I'm helping wether you guys like it or not. We need to get our family back."

"But how?" Raph questioned.

"Leave that to me." Leo smiled. It was still dark out as Leo exited the sewers. He limped over to the roof ladder.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Leo?" Raph asked over the T-phone.

"I'm sure, just stay hidden. They'll hear me soon." Leo whispered back. He slowly clambered up onto the building.

"Hey Leo," a female voice said. The blue clad turtle turned to see Karai. "I told that boy not to break my toy." Karai grinned as she noticed his wounds.

"You mean Will?" Leo spat. "So that's the brats name." Karai obviously didn't like him either.

"Sadly since he captured Splinter and two others, father has made him second in command." She slid out her blade. "I'm suppose to bring any turtle I see to him."

"Wouldn't want to disappoint him." Leo replied and slid out his twin katanas. Karai watched him wince in pain.

"I don't think your really ready to fight...." Karai smiled. "I mean seriously that brat boy beat you up this good? You are really weak then." Leo held in his anger.

"Come on and we will see who's the weak one."

Karai smirked. "This will be over quickly." She ran at him with her sword and gave a small side slicing motion. Leo barely blocked it. Karai sent him a kick as their blades clashed. Leo grunted from the blow. "This is almost too easy," Karai said as she gave him another hit. Leo collapsed on his knees. "You are the weak one after all." Karai giggled. "You didn't put up much of a fight....but what did I expect? Your injured."

Karai signaled for foot ninjas to exit the shadows. they picked Leo up. He hid a smile at that. Meanwhile in the lair Rebecca and Raph peered at a small device. They had a tracking device on Leo and could see where they would take him. Rebecca gripped her spear tightly.

"Can we go now?" She said impatiently.

"Put the spear down." Raph ordered. "Where were going it will only get in the way."

"And what is the plan again?" Rebecca was slightly annoyed. Everything had been her fault. Raph sighed.

"We are going to follow Leo with this tracking device and most likely they will put him close to Splinter and the others." Rebecca tapped her foot impatiently. "Then were going to scale the building and sneak in through the air shafts. We will then rescue them without being noticed and return home..."

"To what home? It's not safe here anymore." Rebecca almost snapped.

"We'll figure something out... " Raph looked away not wanting to show his hopeless face.

Hey guys... I'm sorry for a million times over... I haven't been around to work on the story. Things have been jacked up lately. I'm back and trying to add it more often.

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