Chapter 25

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Raph quickly exited the shaft. Leo was out and tried to comfort Mikey as his wound stung him. Splinter looked at his sons relieved. Donnie shuffled over to Leo to inspect his arm and Rebecca watched what she had done. Raph looked through the vent.

"We haven't been followed yet," He said. He turned to his brothers and knelt down. "I'm so happy your alright." They all embraced each other as Mikey sniffed. Splinter looked at his sons but his attention was drawn to Rebecca.

"I'm so sorry..." She sniffed. The turtles looked up at her. Her eyes were shut tight as tears dripped down her face. Her hands were balled into fists. "I'm so sorry this is all my fault," Rebecca couldn't look at them. The first thing she felt was two arms wrap around. She opened her eyes and looked up. Leo looked down at her. He gave a look of pity and worriment.

"None of this is your fault," He said gently and Rebecca buried her face in his chest as she cried. Soon she felt more pairs of arms wrap around her. Soon the whole family was with her. After a moment Splinter spoke.

"We must leave now."

"But Splinter," Raph begun. "We cant go back to the lair." Splinter nodded.

"We must leave the city and heal," Splinter looked up at the sky. "But where will we live?"

"I think I have an idea." Donnie took Raphs T-phone.

"April told me about an old farm that her family once owned. It's outside the city," Donnie explained as the phone rung for April to pick up. Splinter nodded his head. The strange family slipped off of the Shredders building. Donnie explained everything to April.

"I'll meet you guys at Murakami's." April replied into the phone. "I'll show you the way."

"Thanks April." Donnie said. "I'll bring the Shellraiser." He then hung up and clicked a small button and the turtles van wheeled in from the sewers. The family slipped into it and picked April up.

"When we get there I'm going to show you where the first aid kit is. You guys need help." She said and showed where they had to go. Rebecca sat glumly in a corner chair. Splinter rested a hand on her shoulder.

"I do not understand why you blame yourself for this matter." He said. Rebecca opened her mouth to speak but he silenced her. "Nor do I wish to hear it." He smiled at her. "Even monkeys fall from the trees." She looked at him slightly confused and realized it must be some proverb. Rebecca tried to reason it out.

"So what your saying is if monkeys make mistakes on something they were meant to do then your saying..." Splinter finished for her.

"Everyone makes mistakes." He patted her back. "Just learn from them." and with that he walked over to the map and chatted with Mikey.

Rebecca smiled slightly. It was about an hour drive. They stopped finally in front of an unkept farm and a small home. they exited and were led into the house. It was very old but could be fixed up easily. April hurried in and grabbed the medical supplies.

April and Rebecca began to fix up the family. Donnie insisted he work on Leos arm. Soon the group were bandaged up and Donnie worked on Leo. Rebecca felt someone looking at her and she looked up to see the handsome blue clad turtle. He wore a smile even though he went through pain. His eyes were not of hate but to console her.

"I have to go now guys." April said. "I'll bring you guys groceries and anything else you need." She exited the house as the turtles said their goodbyes. "Please keep a good eye on them." April whispered to Rebecca. "If anything happens call me." Rebecca nodded her head and April left.

"Looks like we'll be spending a lot of time here..." She thought looking at the turtles wounds. "That will give me time to think..." her mind flashed to Will and then to Raphael and Leonardo. "Time to think about everything..." She turned to the window and watched the sun rise.

 I am so sorry for the people that opened this chapter up and it glitched. Hopefully I fixed it. Something's up with Wattpad or my device so if you could please comment telling me that you could read this chapter I would really appreciate it.

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