The Meaning of Taubah

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You would have heard about TAUBAH and ISTIGHFAAR.
You would have heard from respective Ulamas that sincere Taubah (Repentance )means giving up of sins altogether, and the Taubah is not just a lip service :"astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah "(I seek Allah's Forgiveness );rather it is a firm determination that we are not going to return to our sins.

We should also understand the technical difference between Taubah and istighfaar : Istighfaar is to seek Forgiveness for past sins and Taubah is to pledge not to return to sins in future. This is deduced from an ayah (verse) of Surah Hud:

"But ask Forgiveness of your lord,and turn unto him (in Repentance ):for My lord is indeed full of mercy and loving kindness."
(Surah Hud 11:90)

However, as is human nature ,if we err and once more stumble and far into sin,then we can repeat our Taubah....yet again,with the sincere intention not to indulge in sins.

Rasulullah صلئ الله عليه وسلم said ,regarding the progeny of Hazrat Adam عليه السلام :"All the children of Adam are sinners (I.e. prone to sinning ), but the best of sinners are those who make Taubah. "

........The exception to this ,are Ambiyaa (prophets)عليهم السلام who are sinless and divinely protected.

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