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Whilst evil gazes are just that – evil – its “sequel”, its “follow- up”, is generally pornography. Many more write that they are hooked to porn films and porn magazines. They fall for the bait which shaytaan tempts them with.

When a fisherman catches a fine fish, he reels it in. He does not throw it back into the sea. Once it is hooked, once it is caught, it is pulled out – why? Because fish out of water,
when scaled and washed, when ‘masaalaad’ ( spiced and marinated) and fried, taste nice.

The Believer makes a fine catch for shaytaan.
Do we want to become that meal for shaytaan?

Because that is exactly what happens to the heart of the Believer who dashes for the bait of sins : His Imaan is ‘scaled’, his good deeds are ‘washed away’, his heart and soul are
marinated in darkness and finally fried in the fire of restlessness – to the delight of shaytaan. Allah Ta’ala forbid that that soul has to also contend with the fire of Hell…

On the one hand, in this story, we see a young Sahabi, whose gaze falls onto a woman and he immediately turns his gaze away. On the other hand, we find so many today, who want to gaze and derive Haraam pleasure from nudity and pornography.

A few years ago, a person forwarded some statistics ,which was taken from some periodical. Strangely, amongst
various facts and figures in that list, was the statistic, that 9 million men in Britain alone, downloaded pornography, and over 1 million women in Britain did the same. And the increase was 30 % since the previous survey. [اننا لله ؤ اننا إليه راجعون  ]

This was in respect to one small little country in the world. Apply it to the entire world – and we see a very, very sick society of men and women. And many Muslims do not lag behind when it comes to being part of that number, part of the statistic.

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