The Essence of Sincere Taubah

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The purpose of this talk, like that of the others, is that we learn SINCERE TAUBAH. And the essence of sincere Taubah is that there is absolutely no intention of returning to our sins
after the performance of Salaah, or after Hajj and ‘Umrah, or after I'tikaaf( Devotional Seclusion for a fixed period), or after Ramadaan, or after rendering some service to Deen. In other words, Taubah is ‘the point of no return’, with the firm determination that :"Come what may , I am not returning to my sin."

Of course, accidental sins in the life of a Muslim is understandable …otherwise why would Allah Ta’ala have enjoined Taubah upon us?

However, to continue, with persistence, and to regard our sins
as insignificant and to treat it in the light-hearted manner we do; even to the extent of publicizing and advertising our sins; is a clear indication of the extreme weakness of our Imaan.

Upon commission of a minor sin, the Sahabah-e-Kiraam رضي الله عنهم  could have, just once, made Istighfaar and said in all sincerity : “O Allah, forgive my sin.”, for the acceptance of
their Taubah.

Not withstanding this, due to the Sahabah-e-Kiraam رضي الله عنهم being true in their love for Allah Ta’ala, their hearts were shattered on having disobeyed and displeased their Beloved Master. In the wake of their sin, there flowed a river of tears, which was in reality the expression of their hearts, torn asunder with regret and shame.

We can draw no parallels between the Sahabah رضي الله عنهم and ourselves because most of us indulge in sins habitually and perpetually, throughout the days and nights of our lives … as if the purpose of our lives is to earn the displeasure of Allah Ta'ala [نعوذ بالله من ذلك  ].

So this was an incident that deeply touched my heart and I
thought that I would share it with you, and it may touch your hearts too انشاء الله (Allah Willing). Thereafter, who knows how many will then make sincere Taubah from all sins.

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