Efforts and Courage

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Of course, there will be a pain, which will pierce the heart and wound the heart on giving up sins. …Sins, which outwardly appear to be the ‘drink’ that sustains our lives; is in reality, the parasite devouring our Imaan.

The person indulging in adultery or fornication, wiling away and wasting precious time in watching the filth on the television screen, cinema or the pornographic websites on the
Internet, reading filthy magazines and novels when no one is around, thinking : ‘No one is watching.’ will find some difficulty in restraining himself or herself and abstaining from sin. Effort, courage and perseverance are required.

…There are millions who do not care whether anyone is watching or not. They indulge in their fantasies and their sins, displeasing Allah… The same Allah who is ‘القادر’ (The All-Powerful) : He can cause the very earth that we commit sins upon, to digest us in split seconds; or if He so wishes, He can cause the very limbs that we use to engage in sins to develop paralysis; or He could snatch away the faculties of sight, hearing and speech, which He has given to us. "And that is not difficult for Him"  [Surah Ibraheem 14 :20].

Considering the Might and Power of Allah Ta’ala, we will definitely make more of an effort and develop such courage that will not only subdue our nafs, but which will even be instrumental in instilling such fear in shaytaan that he too will keep his distance.


In fact, such was Hazrat ‘Umar’s رضي الله عنه  fear of Allah Ta’ala that Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم told him : “O Ibn Khattaab, by the Divine Being in whose hand is my life, if shaytaan sees you walking on any road, he will leave that road and walk on another road.”(Bukhari and Muslim).

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