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Nevertheless, with an extreme feeling of shame, regret and “hypocrisy”, the young Hazrat Th’alaba رضي الله عنه   began to chastise himself: ‘How could I be of the companions of Rasulullah صلئ الله عليه وسلم , one who is close to Rasulullah صلئ اللہ علیہ و سلم , one who is in his service, one who runs his errands and I then do something so shameful and sinful, as to disregard someone’s privacy?’

…Ahh! …What about us? What about us who are Ummaties?

Our actions are presented to Rasulullah صلئ اللہ علیہ و  every
week. Why do we not think on the same line?

Why do we not think: How can I be an Ummati of the Beloved Rasul صلئ الله عليه وسلم  being in the service of the Deen, sometimes teaching and propagating Deen, sometimes
following the Shaykh here and there, sometimes in the work of Tabligh(propagation of Islam), sometimes sitting in the Khanqah(facility exclusively for spiritual nurturing) - yet engaging in sin? How can I deliberately and intentionally move in the direction of disobedience? How can I deliberately displease my Allah? …Where is my conscience? Where is my Taqwa? ...Do I just throw it out of the window
when I see some pretty, attractive face, some handsome face, or some money easily obtained in a Haraam way?

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