A Confession

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She presented herself to Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم and admitted to having committed the sin of zina . It would follow that the punishment would be immediately effected , but she had conceived. Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم thus told her that she should return after having delivered her baby.

Such a long period of time and guilt of sin would , we would think ,just fade away .....but not so for this woman. After having given birth , she again presented herself to Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم ,in expectation of her punishment.

Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم  told her that her child had a right over her as his  mother , and that an weaning him she  should return.

....A longer period and many amongst us would have disregarded and passed over the sin that had been committed - but not so for this woman.

When the child was able to eat solid food, she returned with him , holding some bread in his hand , and presented herself once again to Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم for punishment. ...This is not an easy thing for any mother to do , after having a lovingly cared for her baby.

Since the punishment prescribed by Shariah is Rajm (Stoning to death) for a married person who commits the grave sin of adultery, this was the punishment meted out to her.

While she was being stoned , a Sahabi رضي الله عنه mentioned a derogatory statement regarding this woman. On hearing it Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said :"Her Taubah was such ,that if it were divided amongst the people of Madina , it's people would be forgiven."


The incident teacher  us that the sin of Sahabah e-Kiraam رضي الله عنهما , and these too , just isolated cases , are in absolutely no way like our sins. We are persistent. We go on and on . So many even find enjoyment in displeasing Allah Ta'ala. Many a time our Taubah and istighfaar are merely lip service because we have no intention of giving up our sins. ... This is our very shameful and pitiable condition.

We do not even stop to think that our sinful and indecent behaviour is in the very presence of the One in whose control our lives lie ,recorded by the angels in the our book of deeds and recorded by the earth as yet another witness for Day of Judgment. Adding woe upon woe , our actions are also presented to Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم -who made every sacrifice to secure for us , our salvation.  .... Where is our shame?

The heart is crushed seeing the Ummah of Beloved صلئ الله عليه وسلم , taking pleasure in sins, competing in obscenity, and literally rushing towards hell fire in merriment. May Allah Ta'ala forgive, guide and have mercy upon us , for it seems as if our actions are an arrogant challenge against Allah Ta'ala, One who has all Power and Might.

Whilst the Sahabah e-Kiraam رضي الله عنهما did ,commit some sin , these were on rare occasions, and generally accidental; we sin deliberately, wilfully and even brazenly.

Amongst approximately 124000 companions of Rasulullah صلئ الله عليه وسلم , who were present on the plains of Arafaat, during the Hajjatul Widaa (farewell hajj),how many Sahabah رضي الله عنهما can be cited as example of those who indulged in major sins; or persistent in minor sins?

As I have already mentioned , some accidental sins were committed by a few. Can anyone cite an example of any single companion of the Holy Prophet صلئ الله عليه وسلم being persistent in sins?....No ,not a single one.

To err is human  and thus , someone committed a sin , not knowing that it is a sin , or perhaps a person had been tempted by shaytaan or nafs to indulge in some action which is Haraam  (forbidden) , and accidentally fell into the trap ; this too , just once or twice in a lifetime.

We should reflect over the sincere Taubah that followed, as well as the degree of the Khauf  (fear) and Khashiyyat (awe) for Allah Ta'ala, which the Sahabah e-Kiraam رضي الله عنهما possessed.

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