A Mu'jiza of Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم

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This too was a Mu'jiza  (miracle) of Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم :A person,lost in the quagmire of Jahalah  (ignorance) and indulging in various sins , accepts islam ,and thereafter one will neither find any drinking, gambling, or zina in his or her life; nor will one find any one Sahabi رضي الله عنه deliberately missing the five daily Salaah (Obligatory Prayers), evading the payment of Zakaah (an obligatory format of charity ,due  upon those who have a certain amount of wealth ,to give to the poor and needy. This is a pillar of Islam),neglecting or delaying the performance of a Fardh Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah Shareef during the month of Zul Hijjah.This is the 5th pillar of islam), or being careless regarding any Hukm  (order) of Allah Ta'ala directed towards him.

It was as if ,the moment a person accepted islam at the hands of Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم ,Allah Ta'ala placed within his heart ,the concern to practice upon all the laws of Shariah, accompanied with its implementation in his life.

Allah Ta'ala states in Quraan Shareef :

"....and if anyone believes in Allah, he (Allah)guides his heart....."

[Surah Taghabun 64:11]

It has been narrated that Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم recited the verse of Quraan Shareef :

"And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, he opens his chest(heart)to Islam....."
[Surah al-An'aam 6:125]

Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم explained :"for whomsoever Allah Ta'ala desires good, He gives him a deep understanding of Deen"..... (bukhari/Muslim)
i .e . Allah Ta'ala grants to him Tafaqquh Fid-Deen -an understanding of Quraan Shareef, Ahadeeth and Sunnah.

Allah Ta'ala also says in Surah Baqarah:

"He grants Hikmah to whom he pleases,and he to whom Hikmah is granted,is indeed granted abundant good......."

[Surah al-Baqarah 2:269]

Although Hikmah may literally means Wisdom, it's meaning covers various details . It's usage too is found in Quraan Shareef with these different interpretations. Reference, in this ayah( verse ), is made once more to the understanding of Quraan Shareef, Ahadeeth and Sunnah, and the ability to act according with it.

Concerning the incident i intend to share with you, which depicts the fear and love of Allah Ta'ala, a very apt and beautiful meaning of Hikmah as conveyed is pure, blessed and enlightened speech of Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم comes to mind:

"The root of wisdom is the fear of Allah"

.....These incidents that we find mentioned ,in various books ,of the sins committed by certain Sahabah were isolated incidents.

WHY DID THESE INCIDENTS OCCUR?.......That's what I will try to explain to you.

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