Chapter 1

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Ashley's POV

"Three more victims found near the haunted house at the hill.The police still doesn't have any proof.We still don't know who is the killer or  what are they  capable of"

I heard the news and shook my head.That house did look creepy and it was making me curious.I guess I'll be more careful who I bring home from now on.I heard that the killer brings the victims to his bed and then kills them.I didn't dare going anywhere near that house.

I didn't dare going anywhere near that house

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I sighed I got up,taking my jacket.Time for me to go to the bar.I went to my favourite and only one near here.It was closed.I cursed under my breath.

I bit my lip thinking if I should go to the other bar.The bar...that was near the haunted house.
I'm not unlucky enough for that killer to choose me,right?

I climbed to my motorcycle and went there.I sped up not waiting anymore.

                ~{at the bar}~

I smiled as I gulped down the last drop of my whiskey.This place wasn't so bad after all.
"Ashley Purdy right?" One chick talked to me.
"How did you know?" I smirked.

"Everyone knows the bad boy of the town" Guess I'm having fun tonight.I chuckled and started flirting.

I glanced at the other side and my breathing stopped.

That was perfection.That boy...
His ice blue eyes.That black hair.
He looked so fragile and breakable.So soft and smooth.So shy and cute.So hot and unbelievably beautiful.

I got up and started walking towards him.
"Hey where are you going?" The chick asked.
"Sorry" I said as I continued.It was like I was under his spell.Something was dragging me towards him.

I made my way to him and sat on the chair beside him.

"Hello there" I spoke.I needed this boy in my bed.

"H-Hi" He spoke in a deep voice.

"What is someone beautiful like you doing alone?" I smirked.

"Just drinking" He said innocently.

"Then let's drink together" I chuckled."Name's Ashley"

"Andy"He spoke.I'll remember that name.

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