Chapter 3

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I stare at the cabin looking it over. It wasn't big or anything special. It was medium sized for a cabin and had a small porch with big windows. There were 2 chimneys, one was slightly bigger than the other. The cabin looked well maintained and like it's been used a lot, but everything that's happened so far has made me wonder if my brain was right. So I decided to ask him because if he brought me here to kill me it wouldn't matter.

"Um listen if you brought me here to kill me cause I'm pregnant and you don't want anyone to find out don't...I'll get an abortion or raise it on my own. Now one has to find out" I told him nervously with a hint of fear.

He just stares at me for a second then starts laughing. He starts laughing even harder after pausing for a second to look at the confused expression on my face.

"Don't worry, I didn't bring you here to kill you. You're also not going to be able to do it on your own. No matter what human tries to help you. Whether it'd be to get an abortion or to raise it" he tells me with a smile that shows he's both laughing at me and trying to show that it's safe "So let's go inside where it's safer".

"Wait you said human? Why? And why is it safer inside this cabin" I ask.

He just shakes his head while he looks down and releases a sigh "You like to ask a lot of questions don't you. Why is it you never asked this many in class. Listen, like I saw someone say in a movie once "All will become known in time" so stop asking questions and follow me. Even take the pocket knife in the dashboard with you if you still don't believe me"

I was quite surprised that he noticed that I don't ask many questions in school and that he told me about the knife. I didn't take it. Something told me that it was safe. So we get out of the truck and walked inside. It looked quite nice inside even with it being dark. It was cold but I didn't really feel it through the coat Josh gave me and the fact that it felt like I have a heater in my belly. I follow him and for some odd reason we walk into a storage closet. He closes the door and I look at him with a raised eyebrow and suspicion written all over my face. He stares at me and releases a quiet laugh. He puts his hand flat on the door and what happens next completely shocks me. His eyes flash an emerald green for second just like the color of his eyes just a bit brighter. He opens the door and all there is, is white. He gestures for me to walk through the door and I do it without asking questions. At this point I have no idea what's going on anymore so I'll just do what he says. When I walk through the door I arrive to some big field surrounded by forest. There's a village made of cabins not far in front of me and its inhabitants look almost like dragons. Some walking on all fours, some on just 2 feet. I walk closer and see that they all look slightly different, some more than others. They all vary in color and size. Some have longer necks like a normal dragons, at least whats normal to me, while other look more like gargoyles. They don't all have wings and some are doing this weird thing which looks like magic.

"Welcome to your new home Liz" I hear Josh's voice say behind me.

"Home? What do you mean ho..." I say as I turn around suddenly gasping as I see a dragon coming right to me. It was completely a bright-ish blue color with big wings walking on all fours. It has eyes just like Josh's a long neck and a long tail. It had sharp teeth and it's mouth curved like it was smiling. I backed slowly with my hands out infront of me like I was trying to calm it. Fear coming over me but I was trying to stay calm. Then it talks in Josh's voice.

"I guess you're afraid of me since you're not used to me in this form yet" and then it suddenly morphs back into the Josh that I know.

I don't know why, but in that moment fear and confusion overtook me and I screamed a very girly, loud, scream. I turned and started running through the tall grass in the direction of the forest until I suddenly trip over a log, hitting the ground, and blacking out.

I open my eyes and everything's a blur. I can feel a bandage on my forehead and that I'm laying on a bed. My eyes slowly focus until I can see my surrounds. I was in some room that didn't have much. There was a lamp on a stand, a bookshelf with books and some kind of scrolls. There was a rocking chair covered with some cloth.

I slowly try to sit up but my head badly hurt. Then I suddenly hear the door open as I'm almost completely sitting. Suddenly I see a boy about the age of 12 peek his head in and look at me with a smile. He has reddish brown hair and isn't very tall from what I can tell. His eyes are a plain brown color. He suddenly disappears behind the door and I hear him yell "Hey she woke up!"

Moments later someone knocks on the door and walks in.

It was an older lady, probably around 70 years old. She has grey hair and eyes the same color as Joshes except much darker. She looks at me with a smile as she walks up to a drawer under the bed and takes out some close.

"Here sweetie. Some new clothes since yours are in the wash" she tells me "I'm Gloria by the way"

I look down at myself noticing I had just my underwear on. I quickly took the clothes and asked her "Umm...who um...took my clothes off"

Gloria smiled "Don't worry dear. Josh did it since we didn't know how you'd react if someone else did"

" thanks" I smiled trying to use it to hide me blushing because while I don't like that he did that. He technically already saw everything, drunk or not, and it's not like my crush on him disappeared. Though he doesn't know that.

"Your welcome sweetie. Now get ready and head down the stairs on the left. The rest of the family wants to meet you" Gloria said and with that she left.

So I put on the clothes on and looked at myself in a small mirror that was on the lamp table. I had a small scratch on top of my eyebrow. I probably had more on my forehead but it was covered by the bandage. Which I'm guessing means there's a big cut.

I head out the door and down the stairs.

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