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I was feeding Cole while gently stroking his green hair. It was difficult and slightly painful to feed him at first, especially since his front teeth were already partially out. Josh said it's normal for dragon children to have teeth early. Apparently we can have teeth regrow forever.

Cole looked at me with amazing ocean blue eyes while he sucked my boob hard. Any harder and he would turn my boob into like a deflated balloon.

"Hey my little prince don't suck to hard or you're gonna hurt mommy" I said looking at Cole. He just stared at me with no clue of what I just said.

"Yeah and don't forget to leave some for me. Daddies hungry too!" Josh said getting up from his nap.

"Well then daddy is gonna have to eat solid food cause ain't no mommy milk for him" I said softly laughing.

"We'll see about that later" Josh said "Did the Doc come by with the results yet?"

"No she should be her any moment" I replied and a knock was heard "Come in"

Cole turned his face away from my nipple and I took that as a sign he was full. I hid my boob back under my shirt as Dr. Erica walked in with a smile.

"So how are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm doing really good and as you can see so is he" I said as I laid cole between my legs with his head laying on my south end "I don't know about Rose though but I assume you do?"

"Yep I just came back from the lab with great news. You baby boy is perfectly healthy and is just like Josh in how the human and dragon genes have mixed. Your daughter will be a bit different and the differences I'll let you discover on your own but just know that she is perfectly healthy. Also from what we've discovered, your daughter is actually bigger than normal so she should hatch in about 2 weeks instead of a month. The blessing will take care of mostly the rest so you won't need to come here for any check ups but do come if something does occur" She said.

"Wow thats great. I can't wait for her to hatch. How exactly does that happen?" Josh said.

Dr. Erica explained to us how it would go about, that I would be released in the evening, and a lot of other baby information.

*Time jump to evening*

I was getting ready to head home. Dr. Erica was getting the final paper work ready while I changed in the bathroom. Sara is supposed to be here any moment to see my son and egg than help me with all the stuff.

Gloria made a teleportation potion which will send us right into the living room at home. Also apparently Gramps got some men and set up baby beds in our room since Josh's room is quite big. "Little present from the Grinch" Gloria said.

I heard a knock on the door then Josh saying "The Doc gave the papers to me and Sara and Kyle are coming up the elevator. They'll be here soon"

"Ok I'm almost done. Are the baby bags packed?" I asked.

"Yeah almost done. Just got some small stuff to pack"

"You don't have to pack too neatly since we're teleporting"

"I know but we're not the ones carrying the bags are we"

"True" I said than opened the bathroom door. Second later Sara walked in saying "Wheres my no longer pregnant best friend and my favorite niece and nephew?"

"They're your only niece and nephew" I said.

"Thats why they're my favorite!" Sara said.

I chuckled a little then pointed to Cole "The little ball of endless energy is Cole and that beautiful egg over there is Rose"

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