Unpredictable // Ashton

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A/N This is my first fic so it's probably really bad. Apologies.

Lily, that's me. Lily May Hudson as my birth certificate clarifies. I'm your average 15 year old, going to school, being lazy, just being a teenager in general really. I've got blue eyes that can go from a deep ocean blue one day to a sky blue/grey the next, my hair isn't all that exiting although it is nice, light brown,it goes even lighter in the summer, with blonde ends that are fading considering I did them about 8 months ago, I'm not the slimmest I'll admit but I'm getting there, doing more exercise and things. I'm a bubbly person around everyone but only my friends will see me at my low points, because actually I'm an emotional person, I just don't let it show.

The past few days haven't been all too well, I've had to move from Yorkshire when I spent the entirety of my 15 years down to the West Midlands, sucks balls right? New school, in a new town, meeting new people. All of which I'm not to fucking happy about. Honestly I hadn't been too worried about it all, I think I'm quite easy to get on with, but my confident thoughts were slowly being replaced by some...not so confident ones.

What if the students are different here?

What if my teachers didn't like me? My teachers always liked me!

What if I get bullied?

I rid my mind of all these thoughts before they get worse as I was the length of the corridor toward my first class. English. I chose to sit near the back next to an empty seat that was quickly filled by a pretty brown eyed girl, her dark hair braided to one side and a gentle smile settles on her lips.

"Hi, I'm Amy. Are you new? I haven't seen you around before" she asked in a soft tone

" Yeah I'm Lily, it's my first day" I replied. Amy spent the rest of the lesson telling me what kind of people were at this school. 

"there's your populars, fake and obnoxious but some can be nice, not really." populars? not really my kind of crowd.

"The nerds, you know what they're like, they're the same in every school." Again, not my crowd.

"There's us, just your average 'middle class'." She said putting air quotations around 'middle class'.

"Those guys that flirt constantly, most of them are absolute jerks but a few are nice." They would be attractive but if they're jerks there's no way I'd go near them.

"And the artsy lot, mysterious and quiet which most people mistake for stubborn, but they're really nice." Now these are my kind of people.

I sat with Amy at break while she introduced me to her friends, Lorie had straight blonde hair that came just below her shoulders, bright green eyes and slim frame. Jessy was slightly more curvy than everyone else but stunning nevertheless, with dark waves that cascaded to the middle of her back and brown eyes. Emily, a blue eyed girl, brown hair that was highlighted blonde but was now showing her roots, into a sort of ombré.

I walked to art after break with Jessy as she was in most of my classes, we made our way toward a table at the side of the room when a body knocked my shoulder, sending me off balance, a hand landed on the small of my back as to steady me.

"Sorry! I should've been looking where I was going are you okay?" A soft voice said, Once I was able to stand on my own two feet again I looked up to see a pair of deep blue eyes staring down at me from under a few black strands of hair that had fallen from the mop swept across his forehead. He was stunning.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, it was my fault really" I replied attempting to keep my cool. Is it getting hotter in here of is it because of the close proximity there is between this guy and myself?

"Donovan. Donovan Hayes" He had a slight accent which only made him cuter.

"Lily Hudson" I could feel stares on my back, I turned my head to see the entirety of my class pinning me down with their eyes. Giving Donovan a small smile I turned and sat next to Jessy.

Fuck that was embarrasing.

A/N Sorry for any spelling or gammatical errors.

NEED // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now