Wait what?

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A/N sorry for a late update I had writer's block:(

Ashton's P.O.V

That was it then. She didn't want me. I had been with plenty of girls in my four years here but I never really cared for them, some of them were nice but, like me, we just in it for the sex, and I didn't know what it was about her, but it made me weak at the knees. I really, genuinely liked her. And here I am sat like a fucking melon after just being rejected, listening to Jessy tell her about something that had been discussed between the entire school over the past few months. I'm tired of hearing this story, of how this guy can be such a fuck up, so naturally I tuned myself out and thought about how I was going to get over the humiliation of this rejection.

Lily's P.O.V

I genuinely could believe a word that was escaping her mouth right now. Donovan wouldn't have done that. Would he? But I was honestly a little scared.

Make that fucking petrified.

I couldn't listen to any more so I cut Amy off before she could go any further.

"Amy stop. This is too much." I plead, why was everything starting to go downhill?

"Sorry, I just think you should be careful." she explains, a sympathetic look across her face. Before I could say anything else, the fith period bell rang, signalling to me that I needed to get the fuck out of her and to my next class. I stumbled out of my seat and made my way to music.

It was my first music class here so I kind of awkwardly stood in the corner before the techer noticed me.

"Oh hello, you must be Lily. There is a spare seat next to Michael." she said pointing to a guy with purple and black hair, he gave me an encouraging smile, I must have looked scared - and I was - just not of him. I sat down and avoided people's stares. God I hated it when people stared at me.

"Okay guys you all know what you're working on so get to it. I want these done in two weeks." I just shrunk down in my seat as everyone else got up and started milling about. Michael seemed to notice my uncomfortable state and sat back down, facing me.

"I'm guessing you have no idea what we're doing?" an amused smile on his lips.

"Raise the anchor, Captin obvious." He only chuckled at my response.

"well if you think you could stand me for the hour, you could join us." I was going to ask him who else her reffered to by the term 'us' but I figured I would find out anyway.

"sure." He gave me a grin and grabbed a guitar case from the floor.

I stood from my chair and followed him to a corner of the room, propping down on a chair and coming face - to - face with the one and only Luke, who gave me a wide smile that didn't seem to leave his face.

He's so fucking odd. I swear to go-

"we're doing a cover of Blink 182's I miss you." Michael says interrupting my thoughts. I simply nodded and listened to them play. We went through the song a few times and chatted for the rest of the class.

After class I decided to thank Michael for getting me through class today, as I rounded a corner I spotted the purple and black mess he called hair.

"Michael wait up!" He spun round at his name and waited for me to run to him like the fucking melon I am. Once I reached him my cheeks were tinted from embarrassment while he chuckled at me. Was I only just realising how attractive he was? He was absolutely adorable.

"Did you need something?" he asked, breaking me out of my thoughts with a smirk plastered on his lips, only then did I realise I was staring. I blushed a deep crimson and his my face mumbling my response.

"yeah, I just wanted to thank you for not leaving me hanging in music, it was pretty fun." He smiled and moved a stand of hair away from my face that must have feel while I ran over here.

"It was my pleasure, I liked it too." He had somehow got closer during his sentence and was now leaning in.

"You're beautiful." he muttered before closing the gap between us. His lip's were soft on mine and he kept them still, almost cautious of my reaction, kissing me in the middle of the hallway before I had any time to react, he pulled away all too soon and stepped away, a shy smile appeared on his face after I was left standing in shock, so many things rushed through my head but I wasn't able to utter a single one of them, he must have got the wrong idea as he muttered a 'sorry' before turning and walking away while I stood in the hallway, almost frozen.

What the fuck just happened?

NEED // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now