Fix this

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Ashton's P.O.V

I have to sort this, Millie has to understand that I don't like her in that way. Sure we had something before but it was a few one night stands and it didn't mean anything, well maybe not to me but she's been really clingy since it happened even when she moved; she would always text me.

But now I've got this thing with Lily I need to make sure nothing goes wrong, I've never felt so strongly about anyone before, She makes me feel all of that mushy shit you read about in books, like butterflies. And smiling when she smiles, I want to protect her all the time. Luke and Michael have already interfered even when they knew I liked her, what happened to bro code?

I stood in front of the door that towered above me, lifting my sweaty palm and clenching it into a fist, knocking twice on the cold wood. The door swung open to reveal exactly who I wanted it to be.

"Ash? Come in baby, is something wrong?" Fake concern laced in her voice, she repulsed me. Fucking repulsed me. But I stepped into her house anyway, standing in the hallway.

"Look Millie, I know we had something before you left but things have changed, I don't like you anymore, I never really did." I didn't mean to sound like a jerk but after one thing fell from my mouth it just kept flowing. "You were sort of just a booty call. So could you like, leave me alone?" I didn't dare look up to her face until I had finished but when I did I shat myself.

I expected her to be upset or even to just agree and shrug it off, but that wasn't what I saw, her eyes were blazing and her jaw clenched. I saw one of her hands raise from the corner of my eye but before I could even process anything a heavy force pelted my cheek, a stinging pain shooting through it. I looked at her in disbelief. Did she just fucking slap me? I furrowed my eyebrows and gave her a 'what the fuck' look. Why was she angry?

"I liked you Ashton! I really fucking liked you! Do you know how happy I was to move back? Do you know why? So I could see you, maybe tell you how I felt. But no, you decide to fuck with someone else why I'm gone!" Her eyes were brimming with tears but I refused to give her sympathy, I needed to get out of here. God I was fucked up, leaving a girl here, crying after she just admitted her feelings for me.

"You can find someone so much better Millie." And she could, when she had her good days she was a really down to earth person I just didn't want her in the way she wanted me, and she needed to find someone who would. I could see her nod slightly so I headed for the door and out into the frosty air of the night. My eyes looked towards my car so I wouldn't run into it, but from the corner of my eye I saw someone walk out if the house opposite me.

Curiosity took over and I squinted my eyes to try and make out who it was. Where are my fucking glasses when I need them? I made out a broad figure, clad in a leather jacket and black skinny jeans. It couldn't be. But the blonde hair I managed to make out only confirmed my suspicion. The bastard. I headed around my car and towards the blue eyed lad in front of me, who had only just noticed my presence, fear crossed his face and he froze.

"Ash, dude I swear w-" my fist cut him off, I took another hard swing the to the other side of his face. He stumbled back and clutched his jaw. Throwing punches only hightened my adrenaline, causing me to throw even more punches. My knuckles and arm ached so I decided to step back and look at the mess I made to Mr Perfect's face. Blood smeared down his cheek from a fairly large cut across his forehead and his lip had been bust open. I was also sure a lovely blue mark would grace the top of his left eyebrow tomorrow.

"You're a dick did you know that? I've been sat in there having to hold her over the fact that you're fucking about with some booty call after kissing her!" What?

"What?" Why had she been crying? Only then did I realise how bad the whole situation looked; I kissed Lily, showed her my affection and yet I was at another girl's house only minutes ago, plus I had just beat the shit out of one of my best friends.

"Luke, man I'm sorry it w-"

"I'm not the one you should be apologising to Ashton." He spat, then walked in the direction of his house. I stood in the street watching as his figure got smaller and smaller before I came to my senses and sprinted towards Lily's door, I knocked until my knuckles were red and sore, tears brimming in my eyes at the sudden realisation of what I had done.

"Lily! Lily please." My voice cracked and my body sank to the ground, my flat palm still making consistant contact with the door considering the fact that my knuckles were too battered to use. "Please..." my voice became small as the feeling of fatuige washed over my body. I slumped against the door and before I knew it I was out.

Lily's P.O.V

I woke the next morning and managed to pull myself out of bed. I walked to my long mirror and sat in front of it. When I say long I mean when it's against he wall you can see your legs and that's it. I switched on my straighteners and sprayed my heat defence over my hair. After my hair was under as much control as it could be I stood up and walked to my smaller mirror to do my make up, I noticed that my eyes and cheeks were still red and puffy and sighed, that was going to be hard to cover up. I needed to thank Luke for last night, he didn't need to stay and hold me like he did, he didn't need to rub my back or mutter incouraging things into my ear. But he did.

Luke was becoming a better friend to me than most of the girls. I bet if one of them walked in the moment Luke did they would walk straight back out and tell the population of our school. Luke, Emily and Chloe were the only people I could trust. I could probably trust Michael but he hasn't spoken to me for a while and Calum seemed nice, if I got to know him.

By the time I came back from my thoughts my make up was done and the puffyness and redness of my face had been reduced so it was barely noticable. I quickly dressed myself as I realised I was running late, I skipped breakfast, I wasn't in the mood considering the night I had. I ran upstairs and brushed my teeth then grabbed my bag, making sure my house keys were in there before making my way to the front door.

I swung open the door to reveal a body that had fallen against my feet during the process, I would have screamed if I didn't realise who it was as quickly as I did. He jolted awake and spun his head in every direction trying to make out where he was, before his gaze stopped at my feet, his eyes slowly travelled up my body until the locked with mine. Ashton stumbled as he stood up as fast as he could and I had to supress a giggle.

The humor of the situation quickly died down when his hands cupped my cheeks, his already puffy eyes brimmed with tears. His gaze never tore from mine and only then could I see the pleading within them.

"P-Please Lily." His voice cracked and guilt filled the spaces. He stayed out all night slumped against my front door? It became clear to me how genuine Ashton was, that all the shit that was said about him couldn't be more false. I wanted to be with him, I just wanted him to feel the same.

"I need you." That did it. That statement wasn't something I was nessecerily wanting to hear, but now I knew, it was what I needed to hear. I crashed my lips to his as if it was the last kiss we would ever share. Ashton broke the kiss to crush me in a hug. A hug that meant the world. Because I think he's the person that can hug me so tightly, that all my broken pieces will fit back together.

NEED // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now