Tell me

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A/N Ashton comes in this chapter :)))

Lily's P.O.V

The past week has gone smoothly, The girls and I have been getting closer and closer and Donovan's been coming over to 'finish the project' and for once I'm not stressed about a single thing. Today is just another day of general chit chat between us girls at the canteen table.

"Okay guys, I've been seeing someone but nothing is official yet. I just want you to know." Lorie announces, a wide grin on her face, all the girl suddenly seemed to perk up at this.

"Really? Who?!" Jessy insisted leaning toward Lorie, intrigued by her unsaid answer.

"Calum Wright." Her answer stunned us all, never would I have thought any of us would be remotely involved with people like Calum Wright. He was popular, but not because people adored him. Because they feared him, he knew this and wore a smirk nonchalantly walking the hallways, strutting almost. His dark hair was always messily done, his brown eyes piercing through people who dared walk in his path, strong set jawline lined with stubble that had just started to grow, his body muscular but not too buff, good ars-

"Seriously? He's a complete dick Lorie." Emily finally spoke up after sitting completely shell-shocked.

"Guys he's not that bad, you don't even know him!" Lorie's starting to get defensive and angry now, honestly, I don't like this side of her so I srunk down in my seat trying my best to eliminate myself from the situation as a whole.

"I know enough to know he's broken every girl he's gone out with's heart!" Jessy fires back. Okay this is getting out of hand now. I've had enough, and people are starting to stare.

"GUYS! Stop it seriously, let Lorie date who she wants." I emerged from my imaginary hiding spot and attempted to stop the pointless arguing.

"We know what's best for her." Amy spoke as I realised I hadn't even noticed her being here. A loud squeak echoed through the canteen as Lorie's chair scraped across the floor while she abruptly stood up and stormed out of the canteen muttering a 'whatever' under her breath. Luckly I don't have any other lessons with her today so I can avoid her, giving her time to cool down.

"Shall we head to art?" Jessy asked as if nothing had happened, or at least leaving the subject be. Not wanting to ponder on it I agreed, said goodbye to the girls and walked with Jessy down the thin corridor towards art. Donovan's in this class. Just the thought made me grin like the fucking cheshire cat.

"What?" I looked up to find Jessy's curious eyes looking at me in a questioning manner.


"What are you smiling at? Oh my god is it a guy?!" She was now smiling with me and he voice had turned to a slight squeal near the end.

"No, it's nothing." I didn't even know what Donovan and I were yet so it was best to keep things under wraps until I asked him.

We walked into class and grabbed our folders like the rest of the class, sitting at our desks and taking out our latest piece of work; portraits. I had wanted to draw Donovan but I wouldn't be able to get the detail and the beauty of him. I'm not that good at art, I just enjoy doing it. Halfway through the lesson and I was quite happy with my almost finished piece of work, sitting back and admiring the person staring back at me made entirely out of pencil lead.

"Guys I want you to walk around the room and look at other peoples work, and don't be too loud." Our teacher said, barely looking up from his landscape drawing that I must say looks incredible, he's been working on it for weeks. Before he even finished his sentence people were out of their seats and milling about, not looking at the art but chatting to their friends.

"This is really good, love." I didn't have to look up to know who's voice it was, but I did just so I could see his face. He wasn't looking at me but at my picture, glancing at me when I didn't respond, he gave a soft smile as he always does and I used the silence as a moment to bring up the burning question, turning my body slightly to face him, biting my lip in thought of how to ask him.

"Are you okay? You seem worried." Concern laced through his words. Just ask him Lily.

"I um Donovan...what are we?" It was out now. He looked unsure, uneasy almost but I brushed it off. I need to know.

"What do you want us to be? I mean I..I like you, but I didn't know if it was mutual...y-you know?" A blush spread across his cheeks and he looked towards his feet and I grin at his embarrassment.

"Of course I like you. Who wouldn't?" That was a bit forward. Shit. He laughs at my expense nevertheless.

"So um do you want to do something like...Friday?" He was now leaning on the table next to my drawing hiding his crimson cheeks from me, I leant on the table next to him so I wouldn't be talking to the back of his head.

"Friday is good, what would we be doing?" I don't really want to go out anywhere.

"Well how about we just go to mine and watch movies?" Yes. Ideal date.

"That sounds great."

"I'll pick you up about 3:30? Then we have time for a couple of films and dinner." I'm already excited.


Lorie bounds over to the table all happy-go-lucky. I didn't think she'd want to see us.

"Hey guys, look I'm sorry I overreacted earlier, I know Calum has a bit of a reputation," A bit? "but I thought you might want to get to know him." Not really. Glancing at the girls I could tell they were unsure about the situation as well, but before any of us could make an objection two guys walked up as one of them, I recognised as Calum, wrapped his arms around Lorie loosely, not making an effort and barely kissing her cheek. She had giggled at this but no emotion showed on his face.

Dickhead. I bet he's just using her. Before I got too rialled up over the situation I let my eyes fall on his friend who of which I hadn't seen before, he caught my gaze and smiled at me, extending his arm as I politely shook it.


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