You bitch

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A/N unedited

Lily's P.O.V

The past few days haven't been too bad, Luke came to visit me today,he made me show him my arms to make sure I hadn't done anything while he wasn't there, which I hadn't because after Ashton showed up on my doorstep the other night I hadn't felt the need to, although there was a bruise on his jaw, when I asked about it he said it was just him being clumsy but by the way he avoided eye contact I could tell he was lying.

Luke and I were currently on the couch watching mean girls after he spent 10 minutes begging me to watch it with him. A breeze flew in through my window causing me to wrap myself tighter in my blanket as I shook from the cold. Luke must have noticed me shiver because he stretched out an arm welcoming me into a hug.

"Come here."

I snuggled into his side trying to grasp any warmth that I could while Luke wrapped his arm around my shoulders. It all seemed a bit weird being in this position with him but all I could think about at that point was avoiding the cold so I made no effort to move. The movie dragged on and I was slowly drifting off, but before I could fall asleep Luke's hand slipping down to my waist startling me.

"Um Luke..." I started to feel uncomfortable, I look up at him to find him closer than I expected. I couldn't let anything happen. I tried to move my head back but his hand on my neck stopped my actions.

"Luke wha-"

"shh" He used the hand on my waist to pull me impossibly closer and leaned closer to me. His lips pressed to mine in a heated kiss and I shit you not when I say it used all of my strength to push him off of me. I shoved at his chest and scurried to the other end of the couch. I couldn't even proccess what just happened, did I just cheat on Ashton? We weren't technically together but I felt guilty. However, he definately cheated on Emily. He cheated on my best friend.

"Luke! What the fuck was that?! Do you even know how fucking wrong that was?" By now I wss pacing the room with my hands tugging at the roots of my hair. I wasn't irritated anymore, I was angry. How dare he. Luke stood from the couch and hesitantly walked over to me placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Lily I'm s-" My body seemed to work faster than my mind right now because a hard surface made quite an impact on the back if my hand. My arm stayed in the air as my whole body froze, I didn't want to look at him, I didn't want to see what I had done. But my head snapped up to see him a few feet back where he must have stumbled while a hand was held over his right cheek.

When his eyes met mine he didn't have the look of hurt I was expecting, but it was guilt that filled his eyes. My mouth was still hung open from the shock of my actions but I quickly closed it. Luke removed the hand from his face to reveal a bright red mafk that I was sure would bruise, he broke eye contact by looking towards the floor and shook his head slightly, as if the recent events were replaying in his mind.

"I'm sorry Lily. I really am." And with that he turned and walked out of my house leaving me with no time to reply. I repeatedly ran a hand through my hair while still pacing the room. Ashton and I weren't officially anything yet but I felt that there was something there, something that I can't take for granted, that includes his best friend kiss me. I decided to talk to him in person about it, in person.

I dialed his number with shakey fingers and held it to my ear as it rung. How was he even going to react? Would he react at all? Fuck.

"Hello?" His voice rang through the speaker, it was raspier than usual as if he'd just woken up.

"Hey um could you come round?"

"Sure give me twenty minutes. Is something wrong?" I could hear the tenderness in his voice through the phone.

"I just-nothing, I'll explain when you get her." I was trying to avoid the subject for as long as I could. I sat on the couch and watched my leg as it bounced up and down from nerves, now all I could do was wait.


The doorbell broke me from my trance that never once moved from my still bouncing leg. My heart rate began to exelerate as I stood up and made my way to the door on shaky legs. I clamped my eyes shut as I opened the door, as if I was praying that it wasn't who it was. But I knew sooner or later I would have to face him to I looked up to his confused stare.

"C-Come in Ash." Why was I so nervous? It wasn't my fault; Luke kissed me. Sitting down on the couch seemed too weird considering the events that happened on it only half an hour ago, so I started pacing running over how I was going to say this in my mind. My eyes were trained on the carpet in front of my feet and I was in a sort of trance, so much so that I didn't realise Ashton was now stood next to me. His hand touched my shoulder gently but I jumped away nevertheless, I suppose my nerves were making me jumpy.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I shook my head as my eyes still trained on the floor. I couldn't bring myself to tell him, the words just didn't come out. "C'mon I want to help." That makes it worse you noob. I'm making him believe that this situation is affecting me more than it will him, which is not the case in any way, shape or form. "Lily..."

"Luke came round to see me and we were watching a movie and he kissed me and I didn't know what to do so I hit him and then he left and then I rang you." I spoke too fast for my own good because my words were slurring together, but even considering my frantic tone he still managed to make out my statement. The look on his face showed shock initially, then turned to anger, which I was expecting, then he looked...proud? Proud? He opened his mouth and I looked down preparing to have a raging teenage boy before my eyes as profanities and threats fell from his mouth but I waa met with silence, so I snapped my head back up to Ashton's grinning face.

"You hit him?" His grin grew wider as I nodded. "Did you like proper back-hand him?" He was acting like a teenage girl who needed to get in on all the gossip, I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour.

"He kissed me Ashton." He wasn't getting the point of this conversation. I didn't call him so he could come and congratulate me on slapping one of his best friends. His smile dropped from his face almost imedietely and all lighthearted joking had left the conversation.

"Did-did you kiss him back?" His expression had changed severely; he looked scared and vulnerable. I gave him the denial he needed with a shake of my head. He looked relieved which added to my ability to relax. "Promise?" He held up his pinky and wore a childish grin on his lips, I couldn't help but giggle as I interlocked our little fingers which caused him to as well. His muscular arms brought me into a hug where my face was burried in his chest, he kept me there for a while as he began to speak.

"Lily? Did you um maybe want to go out sometime, with me?" I saved him the embarrassment of being face to face by keeping my head to his chest, I giggled again at his nervousness and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Of course." I looked back up to his face and nodded as his came down to mine, he raised his hand to my face and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear trailing his fingers down my jaw as he had done before, it was beginning to become a comfort to me, a reassurance that only Ashton would use. Ashton's lips tickled as he gave a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose causing me to burry my head back into his chest, I sighed in content as if I kind of belonged here.

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