Chapter 1: Prophecy of Darkness

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In Sweden, many legends speak of creatures, spells or fantastical adventures. But none of these stories is more frightening than the dark pope and his ghouls. According to legend, outside Stockholm, on top of a hill, there is a huge building like a monastery, that people call "the clergy of death." In this cursed place, lives a dark pope, Papa Emeritus II, represented as the lord of darkness and death. Papa Emeritus would have killed all those who have dared to venture into the clergy. It does show no mercy, yet it lacks something in his cold and dead heart, an important thing for him. One night, the pope of darkness can not sleep. He wears a large black robe, like the popes, as well as his pope crown on the head. His face looks like a human skull, with the pupils still visible. Papa Emeritus is sitting at his desk in a large room in the last floor of the clergy, and reads a large grimoire, with the only light his candle for light him. Papa Emeritus looks up and looks at the flame that dancing slowly in front of him. Then he sighed slowly with pain, as if something was missing in his life. He is perhaps the Dark Lord and reign over all the creatures of darkness, he is not happy. He takes his scepter and leaves the room. In the hallway, he meets one of the Nameless Ghouls, creatures with human appearance, wearing black robes as monks and hidden their faces by dark masks. The Ghouls are the servants of the dark pope, but also his friends. In a way, these are his soldiers of shadows. This ghoul is named Alpha by the others. Seeing the look of his master, he knows that something is wrong.

(Alpha): "Master, what have you? You're very quiet."

(Emeritus): "It's just that ..... For years I seek my future queen, a woman who can love me for what I am and reign to my sides. I'm may be the Lord of the death, but I am able to love her, if she loves me."

(Alpha): "Do you think she can exist? It may be only a legend."

(Emeritus): "No, I know she is there, somewhere on this earth, and I have to find her."

(Alpha): "Careful! Remember that the Lord Vulom covets your throne for years."

(Emeritus): "I know, and I will not let Vulom become the new lord. He is an arrogant and he wants to become the master of darkness, but also of the earth. I am the lord for reign and lead souls of the dead in the other world, this is my destiny. Vulom only serves his own interests and it will be chaos on the world."

Other ghouls, four, come in the room to listen to their master. The ghouls are identical except for a different symbol on each of them, allowing them to differentiate.

(Omega): "Whatever happens, we will help you Papa Emeritus. If this young human woman really exists, we'll help you find her."

Papa Emeritus knows he can count on his ghouls. He looks out the window towards the city, while outside, the rain falls and is the full moon in the sky. The next day, in the city of Stockholm, is a day like any other. People walk in the streets to get to work. Today, two newcomers arrive in town, by two different airplanes. Of one of them, out Mathias Gray, a young man from France, with long brown hair, the bluish green eyes and a goatee on his chin. Mathias is a rather lonely young man who has not had an easy schooling. Often rejected by others, he fact rarely trust to people and feels closer to the monsters than humans, which may seem strange to others. To the other plane, out Emily Mustaine, a young woman from Canada, with long red hair, hazel eyes and a beautiful face. Emily is like Mathias: lonely, rejected by others for her tastes or differences in the way they dress. Indeed, Mathias and Emily are both fans of monsters and heavy metal, and often dress with dark clothes, which displeases to some people. But Emily is also looking for love, because she does not find it. She even came to wonder if her love was in this world or another. And if her true love was not quite like her? No matter to her, she would love it for what he is because she knows that there is not only physical beauty, but also inner beauty. In the airport, Emily sees Mathias that goes to the output. She seems to recognize him, despite his black cap. To be sure, she walks to speak to him.

(Emily): "Excuse me, are you Mathias Gray?"

The young man turns to see, and recognizes Emily, immediately.

(Mathias): "Emily! I'm glad to see you."

The two young people are known on Facebook in February 2013, and became friends, but before that day, they had never seen in real life. They decide to talk before heading to their respective hotels.

(Mathias): "So, what are you doing in Stockholm?"

(Emily): "I came to continue my studies, I wanted to change of country, see the world. And you?"

(Mathias): "I am always interested in the legends of Europe. I came here to see what I can find in Sweden."

Arriving in the street, Emily sees the strange monastery at the top of the hill. When she sees him, she feels a strange sensation in her heart.

(Emily) "Hey Mathias, looks at this building atop the hill. It is strange."

(Mathias): "Looks like a haunted house."

(Emily): "I do not know why, I feel that there is something in this building. Something evil, but at the same time, attractive."

To the top of the clergy, Papa Emeritus II observes the city of Stockholm. He feels that his future queen of darkness is closer than before. He feels that she is somewhere in the city, but where? Suddenly, a dark figure appears behind him a few meters, leaving of a gray mist. It's a man, wearing a dark armor with a black cape in tatters. The man has his face hidden by a mask of iron which looks like to a devil's head. Papa Emeritus II turns and growls angrily. This is the Lord Vulom, the other dark lord who wants to take the place of the dark pope. Vulom advances with a sadistic smile and looks Papa Emeritus II with a superior look.

(Vulom): "Well, Emeritus, you seem very thoughtful these days. Would you still looking for your beloved queen of darkness?"

(Emeritus): "It does not concern you, now leave here, if you do not want to suffer the power of my scepter."

(Vulom): "Calm down, I did not come here to fight, but to discuss. You know, if your queen of darkness falls under the spell of another, instead of you, I could become the new dark pope without problem."

(Emeritus): "She never could love someone like you. I'm may be dead, but I am able to love. You know nothing of love and human understanding. You're just a demon! "

(Vulom): "A Demon? And you then, what are you?"

Emeritus know that Vulom is not wrong. If he can love this woman, she can love him for what he is? But Papa Emeritus II does not lose hope, and know that his queen could love him. Vulom reopens the vortex and prepares to leave, but before, he said a final word to the dark pope.

(Vulom): "You better find your queen, before someone else finds her before you."

Then, the dark lord disappears into its vortex and let Papa Emeritus, alone with his thoughts. Back in his den, Vulom calls one of his servants, a dark raven with red eyes without pupils, and talk to him.

(Vulom): "Listen to me, Go to the city of Stockholm, on earth, and looking for a young human woman who could become the future queen of darkness.".

(Raven): "But how will I recognize her?"

(Vulom): "Remember, stupid creature, I've endowed your eyes with special powers."

(Raven): "Ah yes, I am able to see into the soul and the hearts of people just by looking at them, I remember."

(Vulom): "Exact and thanks to that, you can see if this young woman has a heart and pure soul, and if it is worthy of becoming queen of darkness. Now go, and do not disappoint me."

The raven flew immediately into a vortex and arrives on earth, then it starts to fly to the city of Stockholm, located a few kilometers. Meanwhile, in the clergy, Papa Emeritus II continues to look at the city, in thinking about her. For her part, Emily at leave Mathias go to his hotel, and she is also installed. From the window of her apartment, she has a view on the clergy to the top of the hill. This place seems terrifying, but at the same time fascinating. She really wants to get a closer look, when she will have the opportunity. It is already late, the night is long since fallen. Emily put her nightgown and went to bed. She observes the clergy during a few minutes, and fell asleep gently.


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