Chapter 5: Door of Darkness

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Emily slowly opened his eyes, awakened by a ray of sunlight passing through the curtains. She has spent her second night to the clergy. Papa Emeritus has give her this room, medium sized and with a gothic look. Emily wears her white nightgown, and is lying in a four-poster bed that seems ancient, but comfortable. She decided to get up and puts again her dress of queen of darkness and her tiara. After dressing, she sits on the bed for a moment and looks at the scenery out the window. It is so peaceful, but that difficult to imagine that all this will be destroyed if they ever fail in this war. Someone knocks on the door and enters. This is one of the Nameless Ghouls.

(Omega): "Oh, you're awake. Papa Emeritus sent me to warn you. It's time."

(Emily): "For what?"

(Omega): "To Going into the world of darkness."

This time, the big mission is come. Emily leaves the room and down the grand staircase of stone, to go into the large living room of the clergy. There are surely the others. But Emily feels anxiety: How is this dark world? What creatures live there? She enters the room, or is Papa Emeritus II. He is seated at a large table, with Mathias and Tara, who eat their breakfast. Papa Emeritus turns his head towards Emily and smiled, and she did the same.

(Emeritus): "Good morning Emily. Did you sleep well?"

(Emily): "Yes, thank you."

She also says hello to Tara and Mathias and sits with them, then looks what is at the table. Bread, butter, milk, nothing strange, only human food. Emily begins to eat and noticed that Mathias has a strange look, as angry.

(Emily): "Mathias, You feel good?"

(Mathias): "Yes, but it's this creature in me. Sometimes it tries to regain control of my mind and I struggle to resist and keep my composure. I do not want to risk hurting you. "

Emily understands and knows he is doing everything to resist, but this creature is incredibly powerful and evil, and this is a very hard burden to wear for a human being.

(Emeritus): "Today my friends, we go in the world of darkness, to seek the most deadly and dangerous creatures, and try to convince them to help us defeat Vulom."

(Tara): "And how do we go?"

The dark pope rises from his chair and with his scepter, begins to trace a circle on the floor, reciting an incantation in a language that looks like to ancient Latin language. When the circle is complete, it becomes bright red and a vortex starts to open. On the other side, it's total darkness, we see nothing.

(Emily): "This is the world of darkness?"

(Emeritus): "No, it is the barrier that makes it invisible to human eyes. Just enter and pass through. If she feels that you are a creature of darkness, it will let you pass."

The group did not look very convinced. It may be dangerous. Mathias, suffering a bit because of his demon, decides.

(Mathias): "I'll go first. I'm already practically under the influence of Vulom, and I represent a danger for the whole group. So if I die in crossing the vortex, I would not be a big loss to the mission. "

The group is shocked by what just said Mathias, especially Tara. How can he say such things? Tara approaches him, takes her hand and looks him into the eyes, with love. Mathias's eyes are become red, which proves that the demon tries again to leave, but the young man resists as he can.

(Tara): "I do not want you to say these things, you hear me? I love you, and I do not want to lose you."

(Emily) "Mathias, how can you say that?"

(Emeritus): "Emily has right Mathias. Each member is important. I know the suffering you endure, but believe me, when this is over, I'll destroy the demon that possesses you."

The young man is reassured but he decides to enter first, with Tara. The couple slowly enters in the vortex, holding by a hand, and disappears into the darkness. Now it is the turn of Emily and Papa Emeritus II. Before entering, he takes her by the hand and looks into her eyes, as if to reassure her.

(Emeritus): "Emily, you've trust me?"

(Emily): "Of course, I could never doubt you."

The dark pope smiled and kissed Emily, with love. Then, they are both entering the vortex and were drawn through the barrier. When they pass through the vortex, they come in a very strange place: a snowy and rocky plain, completely empty. The strange thing is that it is not cold there is even not temperature. But there is something else wrong.

(Emily): "Where are Mathias and Tara? I do not see them."

(Emeritus): "Oh no, that's what I feared. These vortices are random. Mathias and Tara have landed elsewhere in the dimension. We'll have to find them before leaving. I hope that it will nothing happen to them. "

The couple decided to go exploring to find the creatures. They arrive in front of a huge metal gate that blocks access to the rest of the dimension. It is the gate of darkness. How to enter inside the dimension? Emily do not sees other access. Then a growl is heard in the sky and a giant winged creature emerges from the mist and landed on the rocks a few meters of the couple. Emily is stunned. This is a dragon, a real! The huge reptile turns his head toward the couple and starts talking, with a serious and wise voice.

(Paarthurnax): "Drem yol lok. Greetings. I am Paarthurnax, the keeper of the gate of darkness. Welcome lord Emeritus, there are years since I had not seen you, my friend."

(Emeritus): "Also glad to see you again, my old friend."

Then the dragon turns to Emily and looks at her carefully. Then he notices the dark dress and the diadem on her. His eyes change and it respectfully greets the young woman, in making a sort of reverence.

(Paarthurnax): "Jud. Greetings queen of Darkness. What is your name young lady?"

(Emily): "Emily Mustaine."

(Paarthurnax): "Brit for. It's a pretty name. I am happy to see that the prophecy is finally realize. There are more a hundred years that I waited for this moment. But what have you come done in this dimension? "

(Emeritus): "Vulom at decided to attack. He will send his army to attack the clergy. We must find allies in this dimension to help us. Can you let us enter?

(Paarthurnax): "Sure, and more, I will help you against Vulom. This miserable traitor deserves death. You can enter, and good luck."

The dragon turns to the door and spits out a powerful jet of flames on the symbol of metal gate, which opens slowly in creaking. Then, Paarthurnax flies into the sky and disappeared into the clouds, in greeting his friends. Before Emily and Papa Emeritus II, is now the immense world of darkness, threatening, dark and terribly dangerous, especially for the humans.

(Emeritus): "Especially Emily, stays ready, and do not stray to me."

The woman obeys, anyway, she does not want to explore this world alone. The couple begins to enter a dark and frightening forest, not knowing what may be there. But where are Mathias and Tara? Are they still alive?


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