Chapter 2: Monstrance Clock

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After a cold night and the rain did not stop falling, the sun rises slowly over the city of Stockholm. The evil raven of Vulom continues to fly through the city in search of the future queen of darkness. Meanwhile, Vulom is still in its den and waits the return of his flying spy. Another creature enters the room. She is a woman, dressed as Nameless Ghouls and with the same mask, but with long brown and silky hair. This is a female ghoul named Tara.

Tara belongs to the same race as the Nameless Ghouls of Papa Emeritus II, except that she has been kidnapped by Vulom and since, she became the slave of this cruel lord. Vulom is cruel to her, and the young and beautiful ghoul hope that one day she will find someone to save her, and perhaps love her. When she enters, Vulom turns to her and talks to her with cruelty.

(Vulom): "So, you finish what I told you?"

(Tara): "Yes master, the parasite of darkness is ready it is in the great room."

(Vulom): "Okay, when my raven will find this woman, you will go on the earth with the parasite and you send it to this young woman, for that he injects the terrible curse."

Tara obeys but with pain. She wanted to do good, but she must obey his master, otherwise he will kill her without hesitation. Meanwhile, during the day, Emily is a walk around the city and asked about the mysterious and sinister building that sits on the hill. Most people have told her that this place is haunted and that all those who dared enter, are never appeared after. This description scares a little to Emily, but she can not resist the idea of wanting to explore, despite warnings from the residents. She goes to the hotel or is Mathias. But what she does not know is that she is observed by something. For several minutes, the raven of Vulom spies Emily, from the roofs of the buildings. Something intrigue with this young woman. When he uses his powers, he discovers that she has a pure heart and a pure soul, but also great courage, which could make her, the perfect queen of darkness. Raven decides to follow her to be sure. Emily finds Mathias who is about to return to his hotel.

(Emily): "Hi Mathias."

(Mathias): "Oh, hi Emily. What are you doing?"

(Emily): "I asked about the building at the top of the hill. I decided to go exploring."

(Mathias): "Well, I wish you good luck. If you find something interesting in there, you can tell me. But be careful, this place does not inspire confidence to me."

(Emily): "Do not worry, I would be cautious."

Emily says goodbye to his friend and starts to walk out of the city towards the clergy of death. At the bottom of her heart, she feels she must go. The raven smirked.

(Raven): "I must go and tell my master now."

It enters a vortex and returns to the lair of Vulom. When he arrives, his master is still sitting in his room, waiting with Tara at his side.

(Vulom): "Well?"

(Raven): "I found the young woman, my master. But she goes to the clergy."

(Vulom): "WHAT? It means she will come face to face with Papa Emeritus II!"

(Raven): "But she is not alone, master, she has a friend, a young man, who is in a hotel to the downtown."

The look of Vulom changes at that time. He has a new idea in mind. Vulom decides to send Tara now on earth, with the parasite for that it infects, not Emily, but Mathias. The idea of Vulom is: use the young man to destroy Papa Emeritus, his Ghouls and Emily, without risking his own life. Tara finds the plan really monstrous but once again, she obeyed without rebelling. She arrives on the earth by the vortex and arrives directly in the hotel or is Mathias. She becomes invisible thanks to her powers and enters the room which is in front of her. Mathias is sitting at a desk and wrote an article on the Swedish legends. When she sees him, Tara can not help but watch him. Her heart begins to beat. Is it possible that..... Yes, she is fallen in love, of a human. But still fearing for her life, she releases the parasite, but with much regret. A small creature the size of an insect that looks like an octopus with a black and slimy skin starts to crawl on the floor of the room and headed towards the young man. Mathias did not even notice what was going on behind him. Then he heard a small noise, as if something was crawling on the floor. When he turns his head to see, the parasite jumps into the mouth at the speed of lightning, and enters into the stomach to get hooked. Mathias falls to his knees and starts coughing. Always invisible, Tara observes this, with pain. She really regrets what she has done, but it was necessary. The parasite begins to infect the body of Mathias. The young man began to have a headache, sweating. He is convulsing and laughs like a psychopath, unable to prevent himself. Her skin begins to become reptilian and dark and claws begin to appear to his fingertips. He grows in size and now exceeds two meters, his eyes turn red without pupils, and two horns appear on his head. The monster lets out a mighty roar that scares everyone in the hotel. Tara can not believe what she sees. The creature passes through the wall and climbed onto the roof of the hotel, in sniffing the air. Tara follows him discretly, remaining invisible. Then, the monster turns to the clergy, and attract by a destructive instinct, and probably under the evil influence of Vulom, he began to move towards the clergy, in roaring of rage.

Meanwhile, Emily came to the clergy. When she arrives at the entrance gates, the place seemed to her even more threatening. Statues of gargoyles are at the entrance, like guards. The building is almost in ruins and seems completely abandoned, there is not a sound except the wind blowing. Emily takes her courage in both hands and decided to enter. She comes in a huge room, which looks like a church, but more dark. The windows are broken and benches are covered with dust. However, the candles are lit, so, someone or something lives here. But what? Emily is entered, but the doors close behind her all alone, with big noise. The young woman tries to open them, but nothing to do, she is trapped. The candles turn off and a cold air stream begins to invade the room. A mysterious mist appears and covers the ground of the chapel. Then a voice like a whisper is heard in the room.

(Emeritus): "Now it's time for the Monstrance clock."

A gong sounded several times in the room. The noise is loud and almost unbearable to the ears of Emily. Of hooded figures begin to appear out of the mist, to Emily. The young woman is stuck back against the door and looks at these strange creatures that surround and approach more and more.

(Emily): "Do not come near me, demons!"

(Emeritus): "Wait! She is for me!"

The creatures obey with respect. At the back of the chapel before the altar, stands Papa Emeritus II, holding his scepter in his right hand. When Emily sees him, she is amazed but at the same time fascinated by this dark lord. She walks slowly towards him while he did the same to her. They are now facing each other. Emily is scared, but she does not want to show it. The look of Papa Emeritus is scary, but Emily also found he is attractive. The dark pope advances his scepter towards the young woman.

(Emeritus): "What have you come make in my sanctuary, mortal? Are you really such a hurry to die?"

(Emily): "I came to explore this place. I have heard of you. I'm not afraid to die If you want to kill me, go ahead, if you have the courage to do so."

The dark pope is stunned by how she resists him. The young woman is not impressed. Then Papa Emeritus remembers of the prophecy "the young woman must have exceptional courage, and do not fears the death like other humans."

(Emeritus): "Is it possible that .... But yes, it' you."

Emily has a little hard to understand, but in seeing the dark pope lowering his scepter, she is reassured in her mind. Papa Emeritus approaches her and takes her hand while looking her into her eyes. Emily does not know what to say, she blushed a little, because although it has not yet said, she finds Papa Emeritus II, attractive, for a monster.

(Emeritus): "It may be that you are my queen of darkness."

(Emily): "Your what?"

(Emeritus): "Come with me, I'll explain everything to you. Do not be afraid, I not want hurt you. What is your name?"

(Emily):”Emily Mustaine.”

(Emeritus): "Emily. It's beautiful name, like you. I am Papa Emeritus II, and here the Nameless Ghouls, my friends of the shadow. Come with me, I'll explain you."

Emily is not yet known who is this "queen of darkness", but she feels that Papa Emeritus II told the truth, he will do her no harm. She takes him by the hand and follows him in the great stone staircase. She feels a sensation in her heart, as an attraction for the dark pope. She expected to find something unique in this place.... Well, she is not disappointed.


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