Chapter 8: The Calm before the Storm

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After meeting their new allies, the group of clergy, consisting of Emily, Mathias, Papa Emeritus II and Tara continues his mission in the vast world of darkness. Paarthurnax, The Lamia, Belial and Asmodeus have promised to help them against Vulom and are directly going to the clergy to help the Nameless Ghouls to prepare the defenses of the clergy against the evil army. Now the small group, is now again in the big black forest, but the landscape becomes more mountainous and threatening than before. Now the group wants to find the brothers of the hell, Satanas and Lucifer. They reign since forever on the hell and spread the terror in the world of darkness. It will be very difficult to convince them, because as demons from hell, they serve only their own interests and in general do not care about the fate of others. But while the group walks in the forest, Mathias begins to feel a strange smell. He motioned for the others to stop.

(Emily): "Mathias? What is happening?"

(Mathias): "I feel a strange odor, which is very close to us."

(Tara): "What kind of smell?"

(Mathias): "As..... A smell of burning!"

The others begin to also feel the smell, as if something was burning not far from here. Yet they do not see smoke on the horizon and there are no flames nearby. But Papa Emeritus begins to feel that the smell does not come around them..... But below them!

(Emeritus): "Quick! Flee!"

Too late, the ground opens beneath their feet and the whole group falls into the crack that leads hell! It was a trap.

They fall into a pit several meters. Emily and Emeritus stand by the hand, with all their might, for not to be separated. Mathias and Tara have fact the same. Around them, creatures, like orcs horribly mutilated, surely hell demons, observe them. After a drop of several meters, a spell slows them and they land on the floor. They barely have time to get up, that demons arise from all sides and rush towards them, screaming like madmen. Papa Emeritus wants to use his scepter, but the demons pounces on him. Emily, Tara and Mathias want to help him, but the demons capture them too.

(Emily): "Mathias, becomes Aldak, now!"

Mathias trying to concentrate, but a demon strikes him to the head to stop him. They are prisoners. The demons take the group in front of two humanoid figures, standing before a large lake of fire. They look like men, but with a red and scaly skin, cruel yellow eyes and horned helmets on their heads. These are the twins of hell, Lucifer and Satanas. The two demons advance towards prisoners for interrogation. Mathias and Emily are not impressed by the creatures.

(Satanas): "The Dark Pope, with a ghoul, and two humans. Well, we do not see that every day."

(Emeritus): "Release us immediately! We're on a mission to save the clergy, and prevent the war between humanity and the world of darkness!"

(Lucifer): "The human world does not matter to us. But you can be useful to us.... As slaves."

(Emily): "I'd rather die!"

Lucifer turns to Emily and approaches her. He grabs the woman by the throat and looked her at carefully. Papa Emeritus tries to release himself to prevent him to touch her, but the hold of demons is too powerful even for him. Lucifer looks at the face and dress of Emily and chuckles softly.

(Lucifer): "Words very hard for a pretty face. And at see your dress and your tiara, you are surely the queen of darkness, of prophecy."

Then he turned to Mathias, still knock out. He approached the young man and looks at him. But suddenly, Mathias opens his eyes and speaks with the voice of Aldak.

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