Chapter 9: Army of the Shadows

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Emily was still asleep when she heard a voice, like a whisper, close to her, speaking softly. She slowly opens his eyes and turns his head to look. Papa Emeritus knelt beside her and smiled. It is he who has awakened her. He slowly caresses the cheek of Emily.

(Emeritus): "Hello my love, you slept well?"

(Emily): "Yes, but what happens?"

(Emeritus): "Sorry to wake you up like this, but we need to go to the clergy. The time is come."

(Mathias): "For what?"

(Tara): "The great battle against the army of shadows."

Emily and Mathias looks in the eyes, with a little anxiety. If Papa Emeritus and Tara are accustomed, Mathias and Emily have never known battle or war, much less against an army of paranormal and dangerous creatures. The group enters a new vortex to return to the clergy. When they arrive, the Nameless Ghouls await them. Windows and doors have been barricaded to prevent creatures from entering. Satanas and Lucifer have led an army of demons equipped with metal armor. Belial and Asmodeus are also there. Paarthurnax is located on the roof of the clergy and looks around to see if the army of Vulom arrives. Tara turned to Mathias and gives him something: a mask that resembles to the mask of Jason Voorhees.

(Tara): "I've stolen this mask at Vulom. It is impregnated with a powerful magic that will increase your strength, and therefore the power of your demon."

(Mathias): "Thank you Tara."

He gives a kiss to the female ghoul to thank her. Both swear to stay together during the duration of the battle. Mathias puts the mask on his head, and feels that his force is better than before. Later, Emily finds Papa Emeritus on the large balcony of the clergy, there or he has offered the pendant and also there where they had their first kiss. This moment will remain in the minds of the young woman, for ever. But this time, the time is not to the feelings of love, but courage. The dark pope observes the sky that starts to become increasingly dark, ominously. Dark clouds appear in the sky and begin to hide the sun. Emily stands beside Papa Emeritus, and observes the sky with him. He turns to her and facts appear a sword, with a gothic appearance, with the symbol of the clergy on the handle. He gives it to Emily, and the young woman understands immediately why she will use this weapon. She looks at her lovingly into the eyes with determination.

(Emily): "I would do anything not to disappoint you."

(Emeritus): "You have never disappointed me, and I know you never will do it."

Emily smiled, but can not help being worried and sheds a tear. She is afraid for her life, but also for the life of her love and her friends. Emeritus gently caress the cheeks of Emily to wipe that tear and looks her lovingly.

(Emeritus): "You and me ....."

(Emily): "Together and forever!"

The young woman takes courage and keeps his sword. Emily has changed her outfit: for battle, she wears light armor dark metal with the symbol of the clergy on the torso. Emily and Emeritus, kiss lovingly, for love and also to wish good luck. Suddenly, the sky becomes red and several lightning starts to go out dark clouds to hit the ground around the clergy. The rain begins to fall. For everyone, this is obvious: the army of shadows comes. Paarthurnax utters a loud roar and spit flames like to warn others of the presence of shadow creatures.

Mathias, Tara and the Nameless Ghouls, join Emily and Papa Emeritus II on the large balcony to observe what happens. 800 meters to the clergy, cracks begin to form on the floor, and creatures come out by the thousands. These creatures are humanoid, with a dark and scaly skin, with jaws and claws, and bright red eyes without pupils. There are also flying creatures that look like dark gargoyles. Vulom also appears, wearing armor and a helmet of demonic lord, and begins to lead his army to the clergy. The demons of Lucifer and Satanas arrive around the clergy to defend it. The Nameless Ghouls take their weapons and stand ready. When the army is close enough Vulom gives the signal and its creatures begin the attack. Paarthurnax arrives through the sky and spits out a jet of flames on the first row of the army of shadows. The creatures caught fire and scream in pain before falling to dust. The demons of the clergy and the shadow creatures begin to fight between them, and the battle begins between the two armies. Mathias can not resist any longer, and Papa Emeritus takes his decision, he turns to his friends and waved his scepter.

(Emeritus): "For the earth and the kingdom of darkness!"

The group is pushing a war cry and rushed into battle. Mathias becomes Aldak and gives free rein to his rage. He crushes several dark demons with his arms, grabs one by the throat and throws him on a group. Tara takes her daggers and stabs all the creatures of the shadow that passes near her. The Nameless Ghouls work as a team and kill multiple enemies in seconds. Papa Emeritus II creates a shield around him to fend off enemies and sends of obscure rays with his scepter, which pulverizes all the monsters of Vulom that are touched.

A demon of Vulom jumps to Emily, and the young woman pierces him to the stomach with her sword. The monster roared in pain and falls to the ground. The sword of Emily is covered of the dark and impure blood of the creature. Then she managed to decapitate two demons at the same time. The blood is scattered on the ground. Emily waved her sword above her head and uttered a cry of rage, before returning to combat. Lucifer and Satanas join forces to create a giant crack that swallows dozens of creatures from the shadows to burning them in the flames of hell. The Lamia arrives and pierces a creature with his horns. Belial and Asmodeus have also joined forces to fight and kill the creatures of Vulom.

A demon hits Tara to the ground and tries to bite her to the throat. But she managed to stab the neck of the monster, before that Mathias arrives and snatches the demon's head to kill him. He helps Tara to rise up and he hope she is fine. They swears to stay together to be stronger and continue the battle.

The demons of hell begin to weaken against the number of shadow creatures. More and more of soldiers of the clergy are dying under the onslaught of soldiers of Vulom. Fortunately, two other lords of darkness, Behemoth and Beelzebub, who were alerted by Lucifer and Satanas, arrive by a vortex, with reinforcements from the world of darkness: zombies, goblins and even wolves. The reinforcements begin the attack and jump over the army of shadows to help their allies in trouble. In the sky, Paarthurnax fights the gargoyles and kills hundreds. The flying creatures do not measure up to the dragon.

Emily and Papa Emeritus are in the middle of the battlefield, surrounded by soldiers of shadows. Together, they unite the powers of the scepter and the pendant to create a powerful destructive ray, which disintegrates all enemies around them. But, at few meters from them, they saw a dark figure coming toward them, a demonic scepter in his hands and a cruel smile. Emily and Papa Emeritus guess immediately who that person is.


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