Chapter 7: Temple of the Entities

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While Mathias and Tara have met the Lamia, Emily and Papa Emeritus II through the big black forest in the world of darkness. The trees have no leaves and their branches are like claws. An owl pushes her cry in the night and his yellow eyes glow in the dark. There are strange noises around the couple, as if hundreds of creatures observed them and were moving among the trees. The presence of Papa Emeritus reassures Emily a lot, she wants not be here all alone. A pack of black wolves appeared before them, out of the bushes. These wolves have shining red eyes and seem much more ferocious than wolves of the earth. With his scepter, Papa Emeritus scares them by sending multiple dark spheres on the ground just before the wolves, fleeing in terror. But suddenly, a creature resembling to a gargoyle, comes through the airs at full speed and grabbed Emily by the arms before taking her in the sky. The creature begins to take Emily, and the young woman tries to escape as she can. 


(Emeritus): "EMILY!! NO!" 

The dark pope knows he can not send spheres or a radius on the creature, as Emily could fall and crash to the ground. And at such a distance, he may touch Emily and hurt her. He decides to follow the creature and runs in the direction that it took. His heart began to beat very fast, as the anxiety he feels knowing that Emily may be in danger of death somewhere between the claws of a wild and dangerous creature. The gargoyles are deemed to be aggressive and rarely leaves of survivors on their path. 

After an hour of walking through the gloomy forest, Papa Emeritus happens to a old stone temple, which seems abandoned for centuries. The roots of plants have grown on the columns of this place. But the dark pope sees the gargoyle out of the temple and flew back into the sky, surely looking for a new prey. So, Emily is definitely inside. Provided that she is not.... No, he should not think about these things and keep hope. He cautiously entered into the temple, looking around him. Who knows, it may be several gargoyles.... Or worse. 

Arriving in the second room, Papa Emeritus sees Emily. She lies at the back of the room, hands tied to a wooden pole. 

(Emeritus): "EMILY!" 

(Emily): "Careful, it's a trap!" 

An other creature appears, out of a black mist. He wears a long black coat and his head is that of a man with ram horns and a black goatee. He approaches to Emily and turns to Papa Emeritus, chuckling.

(Belial): "So it's true. Here is the royal couple of the darkness, Papa Emeritus and his queen of darkness." 

(Emeritus) "Belial, I advise you not to hurt Emily, or I'll kill you!" 

(Belial): "Emily, is her name? Good. I've heard that Vulom wanted to destroy the clergy. Is this true?" 

(Emily): "Yes, we absolutely must stop him. Release me immediately, we came for request help!" 

(Belial): "Help? From me? I not help anyone and I obey at anyone. Asmodeus, my friend, comes to welcome our guest.... As he deserves!"

Another demon appears. This is Asmodeus, a demon resembling a goblin, and seems wilder than Belial. Asmodeus roared and leaped on Papa Emeritus, but the dark pope propels the demon back with a powerful radius. Emily manages to undo the ties that hold her and comes face to Belial. She decided to use the powers given by Emeritus. She focuses and managed to create a shield around her, just before that Belial sends a radius on her. The gargoyle returns to the temple to help her masters. She is about to pounce on Papa Emeritus, who has not seen her, and suddenly the Lamia comes out of nowhere and jumped on the gargoyle. The Lamia crushes the gargoyle against a wall and kills her. Mathias and Tara arrive shortly after and have found Emeritus and Emily. 

(Emily): "How did you find us?" 

(Mathias): "We heard noises of the combat and we have decided to go to see."

Belial sends another beam to Emily, but the young queen of darkness managed to stop the beam with her hand, and returns it in the chest of Belial, who falls to the ground. Mathias becomes Aldak and crushes the head of Asmodeus against the ground and knocks him. Papa Emeritus disarms Belial and threatens him with his scepter. 

(Emeritus): "Belial I know you too well. I know that it's someone which has force you to kill us. Tell us." 

(Belial): "Yes ..... It's Vulom. He promised me a more important place in his new empire of darkness, and I was not able to say no." 

(Tara): "Vulom is just a traitor. When he will become the emperor of darkness, he will kill all of you, so that you’ll no longer represent a threat to his reign." 

(Emily): "It's true. Vulom will do anything to reach his goal, even killing his own allies."

(Emeritus): "Belial, you can believe them. They are trustworthy I assure you that if you help us against Vulom, I'll make sure you have a big place to the clergy I promise you." 

(Belial): "Ah, you are the worthy successor of your father, Emeritus. I remember when I met him long before your birth He was also a good Dark Lord, as you. I trusted you. I was blind and stupid to believe Vulom, but I'll help you. "

(Mathias): "Do not blame yourself You can take your revenge on Vulom." 

(Belial): "I hope. And Emily, I'm really sorry to have tied you to this pole." 

(Emily): "This is nothing. Forget it, it's of the past."

While the group of the clergy establishes its new alliance with Belial and Asmodeus, Vulom observes that with his sphere of vision. See that it's inssuportable for him, and within the scope of anger, he throws his sphere against a wall. Then he returned to sit on his throne and began to think. 

(Vulom): "Papa Emeritus at even managed to steal my allies. But it is I who will laugh in last. I look forward to seeing all these wretched insects, dead at my feet!"

He starts to chuckle alone as a psychopath, before his servants, frightened by his evil laugh.


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