Chapter 6: Drag Me to Hell

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In the kingdom of Vulom, hundreds of warriors in dark armors began to forge their weapons to attack the clergy. Vulom observes his troops preparing and giggles knowing what awaits Papa Emeritus and his queen of darkness.

While Emily and Papa Emeritus II through the big black forest, Mathias and Tara came to the other side of the world of darkness. The young man is lying on the floor and slowly opens the eyes. He hears a soft voice that speaks to him and tries to wake him up. When his vision becomes more fluid, he sees Tara's face above him. The ghoul female was worried about him and is relieved to know he's still alive. She helps him to rise up and gave him a short kiss. Then, Mathias looks around him. They are in a desolate plain with a few dead trees and rocks.

(Mathias): "What happens? Where are Emily and Papa Emeritus?"

(Tara): "When I woke up, we were here and you were still unconscious. For Emeritus and Emily, I do not know where they are."

(Mathias): "They are surely somewhere in this dimension. We must find them. Let's go."

They begin to walk in the hostile plains in the world of darkness. The sky is dark is filled with dark clouds that do not let the sun. Besides, is that the sun can exist in the world of darkness? But something more disturbing appears in the eyes of the couple: in some places on the floor, several bones are scattered, and also skulls, animals and humans. Some of these skulls appear to have been crushed or pierced by someone..... Or something. Seeing this, the couple looks into her eyes with concern and decided to be even more careful. What kind of creature could do this kind of things?

Suddenly, the ground begins to shake and crack a few meters in front of Mathias and Tara. They begin to back and are ready to fight. A red light and flames begin to gush of the cracks, as if hell trying to get out of the earth. A few seconds later, a creature begins to emerge from the crack, pushing a deafening roar and squeak by his claws on the rocky ground. The monster is humanoid, but with an animal head, sharp canines and ram horns on his head. His body is covered with a brown and dirty fur, he at claws to his large fingers and hooves instead of feet. This creature smells of sulfur around him and his eyes are blood red, and full of cruelty.

(Mathias): "Oh damn, what is this thing?"

(Tara): "We are damned! This is the Lamia, the beast from hell!"

The Lamia sniffs the air around him and turns to the couple, growling angrily.

(Lamia): "I'm going to enjoy devouring your souls!"

The creature lowered his head, horns forward and starts running at full speed towards the couple. Mathias and Tara jump to the side and dodge the charge. Tara uses her power and sends a dark radius on the Lamia, but the creature protects itself by creating a shield around him.

(Tara): "Mathias, transforms you!"

(Mathias): "No, I do not want to risk hurting you!"

The Lamia puts his hands on the ground and causes a very powerful earthquake. A crack opens under the feet of Tara and she falls into the void. Mathias rushes and grabs her by the arm and helped up. At the bottom of the crack, is a large lake of fire. This is the kingdom of hell.

(Tara): "Thank you my love."

(Mathias): "This creature is too powerful, we must flee."

(Tara): "No, I know the Lamia is a proud creature. If we can defeat him, he will have no other choice but to accept our proposals. Please, transform you, for me, for your love and our friends."

Mathias does not want, because he is afraid that the demon takes control of his mind, but he has no other choice. The Lamia approaches the couple, even more enraged than before. Tara goes and hides behind a rock. Meanwhile, Mathias focuses and allows the demon to wake up. The young man's body begins to change and he becomes Aldak the dark demon. Now, he is equal strength with Lamia. The two creatures look face to face and growl of anger, as if trying to intimidate, but it does not work. The two monsters pounce on each other and start a showdown. Each trying to push each other, but the two demons have equal forces. But the Lamia spits out a huge jet of flames on Aldak and hits him a big hoof shot in the head. Aldak falls to the ground and tried to get up, but the Lamia jumped on him and bit him on the shoulder. To help his love, Tara comes out of hiding and sends another radius which strikes the Lamia in the back. The creature roared in pain and Aldak happens to rise up. Aldak sends its tentacles that catch the Lamia by the arms and throws it against the rocks. With his hands, Aldak create a dark sphere and throws it on the Lamia, who is hit in the chest. The demon fell to the ground and is weakened. Mathias arrives to take control of his demon and goes with Tara, to the Lamia, who is always on the ground.

(Lamia): "You are strong and I see that you are together. Since you've defeat me, I'll let you live."

(Mathias): "If we are come it's because we need help."

(Lamia): "I usually do not help people, but as you were able to defeat me, I have to meet your requirements. What do you want?"

(Tara): "A powerful dark lord wants to attack the clergy and destroy it."

(Lamia): "The clergy? So you're friends of the dark lord, Papa Emeritus II?"

Mathias and Tara confirmed and that changes everything for the Lamia.

(Lamia): "Once, I have sworn allegiance to the Dark Lord, to serve him and take the treacherous souls in hell. If the clergy is in danger, I have to respond I will help you with pleasure, for the world of darkness. The friends of my master, are my friends. "

It was an unprecedented chance. The Lamia is a servant and friend of Papa Emeritus II. This is an ally of more for the army of the clergy. But now, Mathias and Tara have to find their friends, who are somewhere in this world, to seek them. Accompanied by their new friend, the couple returns to walk through the world of darkness, but the threat of Vulom is still present in the area, and he will do everything to prevent his enemies to reach their goal.


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