Chapter 10: Battle for the Earth

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The Battle of the clergy continues. The Nameless Ghouls are entered the building and kill all enemies who manage to enter, despite the barricades. Paarthurnax continues to kill the flying demons, spewing huge jets of flame. But the creatures of Vulom are still many, and despite the reinforcements, the army of the clergy has struggling to repel them.

On the middle of the battlefield, Papa Emeritus II and Emily, side by side, holding by the hand, look at the dark silhouette, wearing a dark armor and a black cape with a metal helmet shaped head devil. Mathias and Tara join their friends, and also see the creature that goes to them, out of the mist. Papa Emeritus growls of anger and recognizes his mortal enemy.

(Emeritus): "Vulom!"

Vulom approached the group, and sneers with cruelty. In his right hand he holds a large ax, with spikes, and marked by several evil symbols. When he sees Tara alongside Mathias, his anger only grew.

(Vulom): "Tara, you're a traitor! How can you love this human, then I can give you the power and immortality?"

The female ghoul has changed, and will not let intimidated by her former master.

(Tara): "I do not care about eternal life or power. I love Mathias and he loves me, and for us, these are the things that have real values."

(Mathias): "Tara is no longer your slave Vulom! If I have this curse, it is not because of her, but because of you."

Vulom growls of anger, and turned to the couple of darkness: Papa Emeritus and Emily.

(Vulom): "The Lord and the Queen of Darkness, gathered for their death. It's really touching. Your heads will be a perfect decoration for my future throne!"

(Emily): "Why are you doing this? Your lord position is enough for you? You think only to expand your power, even if that means you have to drive to the end of the world! In summary, you are just a fucking bastard! "

(Vulom): "How dare you talk to me like that, dirty human! You do not know what I am capable of, and I'll make you regret your words!"

After these words, the scepter of Papa Emeritus starts to shine, and the eyes of the Pope of darkness become red with anger.

(Emeritus): "You will not touch Emily, while I'm alive!"

He casts a powerful beam on Vulom, but he deflects the shot with his ax, and the radius disappears in smoke.

(Vulom): "You think you can really stop me? I have more power than you four together. I would be able to crush you all!"

(Mathias): "That's what we'll see!"

Mathias turns into the demon and leaps on Vulom, before the eyes of his friends, horrified. With one of its tentacles, Mathias grabs Vulom by the leg and throws him against a rock with violence. The shock was so brutal that the rock explodes into pieces upon impact. But despite this shock, Vulom does not seem have suffered, and even, sneers in rising up. Mathias approach to hitting him, but Vulom grabs the young man by the throat and looks at him with cruel eyes and a wicked smile.

(Vulom): "It's my turn!"

With all his strength, Vulom strikes Mathias to the chest and sends it crashing against a wall of the clergy. His friends rush to go help him. Mathias resumed his human form and is lying on the floor, half stunned. He was wounded in the head and a thread of blood running down his forehead. Tara is horrified and shed tears when she saw her love in this state.

(Tara): "Mathias you hear me? Answer me my love, I beg you!"

(Mathias): "My.... My head ....."

He is still alive but too weak. Tara knelt close to Mathias and slowly stroked his hair. Emeritus and Emily are very concerned about his condition, and do not know how to reassure Tara. Vulom, sneers of what he has done, and speaks with a mocking tone.

(Vulom): "Oh, sorry, I hurt him?"

Tara is invaded by anger and rushes to Vulom. Emeritus and Emily do not have time to retain her. The female ghoul dodges a hit of Vulom and gives a dagger in the leg of her former master. Vulom screams in pain and hits Tara in the head before throwing her to the group. Emily and Emeritus help Tara to rise up, but Vulom is only slightly wounded in the leg. Tara is sorry to have wanted to attack alone, and returns to Mathias, who is trying to regain his strength. Emily takes her sword and looks Emeritus in the eyes.

(Emeritus): "To us to try!"

(Emily): "For the earth, and the world of darkness."

Together they rush to Vulom and another duel begins. Vulom tries to hit them multiple times with the ax, but Emily and Emeritus attack with their weapons. Emily manages to hurt Vulom to the shoulder, but the demon is still very dangerous. With his ax, he strikes the ground and triggers a strong shock wave that propels the couple to several meters. Papa Emeritus II tries to get up, but Vulom arrives and knocks him several times, before to knock him with the handle of his ax.

In seeing her love in danger, Emily wants to go help him, but Vulom turns to her and prevents her to retrieve her sword. He knocks the girl to prevent her to rise up, and holds Emily by the throat.

(Vulom): "First I'll start with you, my pretty little queen! I want to see the pain and despair in the eyes of your love when he will see your body, beheaded!"

Emily's heart pounding, and she sees the sharp blade of the ax, close to her face. Vulom raises his arm and is about to kill her. The eyes of the demon are full of rage and hatred.

But a ray hits his back and Vulom grunts in pain before falling to his knees. He lets Emily and the young queen can escape to his grip. It's Papa Emeritus who has shoot this ray with his scepter. Emily turns to him and he hugs her in his arms, before kissing her with love.

(Emeritus): "I was so afraid for you. Are you okay?"

(Emily): "Yes, thank you, my love."

Mathias and Tara arrive as reinforcements to attack Vulom. Mathias, transformed into demon, bites Vulom and snatches the left arm with his jaw. Tara cut the right arm with her dagger. The blood spurts and Vulom grunts of pain. He looks up to the group, and sneers one last time.

(Vulom): "One day you'll meet someone like me, and he will kill you all!"

Emily takes her sword and cuts the throat of Vulom. Blood spurts more and the demon begins to die. To permanently kill the demon, Papa Emeritus II sends a large radius of fire with his scepter, and the body of the demon begins to disintegrate under the howls of Vulom, which disappears in ash in few seconds.


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