Chapter 11: Secular Haze

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After the death of Vulom, the army of the creatures of the shadows begins to disappear. All the demons of Vulom roar in pain and fell in ash to the ground, while the sky again became clear and blue, and dark clouds disappeared giving way to sun.

Papa Emeritus II picks up the ax of Vulom, and destroys it with his scepter. Then he turns to his friends and smiled.

(Emeritus): "It's over. We won. Vulom has gone forever."

Mathias, Emily and Tara smile also and expressed their joy. Mathias and Tara kiss tenderly while Emily rushes into the arms of Papa Emeritus and kisses him with love. The Nameless Ghouls and all the allies of the clergy have also expressed their joy shouting victory. Paarthurnax has spit out a huge jet of flame in the sky to express his joy. Peace between humanity and the world of darkness is preserved and the Apocalypse has been narrowly avoided.

The allies of the clergy have also thank Emily, Mathias, Tara and Papa Emeritus II, for having warned them of the danger, and return in the world of darkness to resume their places and continue their lives as before.

A few days later, Emily and Mathias are always in the clergy, and after living this great adventure in a world that was once unknown, they never want to leave.

One day, when everyone is gathered in the great living room: the Nameless Ghouls, Tara, Emily and Papa Emeritus, Mathias enters the room, his hands behind his back and walking very slowly, in a strange way. The rest of the group does not really understand what he does.

The young man goes to Tara, who is sitting in her place, and does not understand what is happening. She sees That Mathias smiles, but did not know why. The young man seemed nervous and a little worried, but he takes a deep breath and knelt before Tara. The others begin to doubt, and Emily begins to understand what he wants to do and smiled.

(Mathias): "Tara, I know we are together since a little moment, but for me, there is no doubt, you're the love I was looking for and I want to live with you forever."

He holds out his hand and holds a silver ring in his hand. Tara does not know how to react, she smiles and shed tears of joy. The rest of the group understands and smiled. Mathias awaits the response of the young female ghoul. She takes the hands of Mathias and looks at him in the eyes.

(Tara): "Mathias, thanks to you, I am no longer a slave. You show me that I could find love, when I had lost hope. So, yes, I wanna be with you forever. "

Mathias smiled and after the young man has put the ring on the finger of Tara, the couple kisses, to the applause of the group. Emily sheds a tear of joy for them. But later in the day, this is Papa Emeritus II who made ​​his request to Emily, for that she becomes his queen of darkness, for life. She immediately agreed to. The dark pope decided that the ceremony will take place the following day in the chapel of ritual.

The day came, Emily is nervous. She is in her room, and getting ready for the ceremony. She has put her black dress queen of darkness. She puts the medallion around her neck and her tiara on her head. She is before her mirror, and thinks to this moment, that will change her life.

A Nameless Ghoul enters the room, and comes to find Emily.

(Alpha): "It's time."

Emily's heart starts beating very strong, but she remains calm and takes a deep breath, and follows Alpha to the chapel of the ritual. When she arrives, a strange and secular haze covers the ground. In the chapel of the ritual, the Nameless Ghouls are aligned and remain upright like soldiers. They hold torches. Mathias and Tara are there too. Mathias wears a dress like the Nameless Ghouls, but with spikes on the shoulders and an armor on the chest. Papa Emeritus II stands before the altar and smiled when he sees Emily advancing towards him, in her dress of queen. The young woman climbs the few steps to the altar and is placed before the Pope of darkness. The ghoul named Alpha is placed behind the altar, as head of the ceremony.

(Alpha): "If we are gathered in the chapel of the ritual is to unite the Pope of darkness, Papa Emeritus II, and the young queen of darkness, Emily Mustaine."

He takes a box or are placed, two rings in dark and bright silver. Papa Emeritus takes the first ring and gently takes the hand of Emily to put the ring on her finger.

(Emeritus): "Emily, you're the love I've always wanted, and now I am united with you, so that together we can live perfect love and never be separated.”

Emily smiled and blushed. Her heart really pounding. Then she takes the second ring, and gently puts it on the finger of Papa Emeritus II.

(Emily): "Papa Emeritus, I thought I would never find the perfect love, but with you, I realized that I have wrong. You have changed my life forever, and now I want to live with you forever."

Emeritus smiled too. Mathias and Tara also smile and shed tears of joy for them. Papa Emeritus and Emily hug and kiss with love, a long and loving kiss, with the applause of the group. Now, Emily and Emeritus form the new couple of darkness.

Then, organ music is heard in the chapel. When Emily and Mathias turn to look, the Nameless Ghouls have musical instruments, and one of them plays on a keyboard. Then the Ghouls start playing music metal, very melodic and dark. Papa Emeritus II takes the hand of Emily and begins to sing for her, in looking her with love.

(Emeritus):"You know that the fog is here, omnipresent

When the diseases sees no cure

You know that the fog is here, omnipresent

When the intents remain obscure


Weave us a mist

Fog weaver, ooh-ooh

Hide us in shadows

Unfathomable wall-less maze

A secular haze"

Emily is really in love with the voice of Papa Emeritus II. The Nameless Ghouls continue to play and Papa Emeritus begins the second verse.

(Emeritus): "You know that his son is near, omnipotent

When she sees eye to eye with spear

You know that his son is near, omnipotent

When youth and innocence disappear

Forever lost

Weave us a mist

Fog weaver, ooh-ooh

Hide us in shadows

Unfathomable, wall-less maze

A secular haze"

For the last verse, Emeritus asks to Emily Mathias and Tara to join him, and together, begin to sing the final verse.

(Ghost): "He is divinity omniscient

Seeing the world revolve with spite

The surge of humanity oblivious

To the divine whom bringeth light

Let there be night

Weave us a mist

Fog weaver

Hide us in shadows

Fog weaver

Come mist eternal, ooh-ooh

Come mist eternal, ooh-ooh

Come secular haze."

And after the song, Mathias and Tara kiss lovingly, while Emeritus puts his arms around the waist of Emily to get closer to her and looks into her eyes.

(Emeritus): "I love you Emily."

(Emily): "I know, and I love you too, Emeritus."

The couple of darkness kiss again with love in secular haze. Emily put her arms around the neck of Emeritus for stay close to him. In the dark night, wolves howl to the sky, as if to announce the arrival of a new reign of peace and love in the darkness.


 I dedicates this story to the great Sweden band, Ghost, and to my really good friend, Emily Hill :)

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