Chapter 3: Ritual

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Emily follows Papa Emeritus II in a large and dark corridor. The stone walls are lit by flaming torches and several paintings are hung also, all represent Papa Emeritus and his Nameless Ghouls in different positions. Early intimidated, Emily begins to trust this mysterious lord and continues to follow him. They come in a medium-sized room, which resembles a small chapel. Papa Emeritus turns to Emily for him describe the room where she is.

(Emeritus): "This is the chapel of ritual. Can you feel the smells of dead human sacrifices on the altar bed?"

(Emily): “I can feel, it's really strange. But you said a ritual?"

(Emeritus): "Yes, the ritual of the queen of darkness. I'll explain you. For many years, I reign alone on the world of the dead and darkness, and I'm missing something: a woman, who could reign with me. I decided to choose a woman of mankind because if we are linked, our two worlds too, and this will prevent a war between our two worlds. "

(Emily) "Why? The war will burst?"

(Emeritus): "Yes, because Vulom, another lord of the shadows, hates the earth. He hates the humans and wants to enslave them forever. If he becomes the new Dark Lord in my place, he will launch an attack against your world and it would be the beginning of the war between humanity and the world of shadows."

(Emily): "But how to prevent it..... You think the queen of darkness..... Is that me?"

(Emeritus): "When I saw the courage and how you have resisted me, I knew it was you."

Emily does not know what to think. She is destined to become the queen of darkness? But if she wants to save her world, she really has no choice. She walks to Papa Emeritus II and spoke to him with a gentle and loving voice.

(Emily): "If I do, it is not only to save my world, I must admit, this is also because ..... I feel attraction for you."

In hearing this, Papa Emeritus smiles and his heart dead and cold pounding. The answer is, yes. He looks at Emily in the eyes for a few moments, then, he slowly advance head towards her. In her mind, the young woman understands what he wants to do, but she did not try to escape, on the contrary, she gently closes her eyes and waits. Papa Emeritus II gently places his lips and kisses Emily, gently and tenderly. Emily feels the cold of the dark pope in her blood, like a kiss of death, but for her, it's a great feeling. The kiss lasted a few seconds, then after, she looks him into the eyes and smiled.

(Emeritus): "Thank You for letting me do this."

(Emily) "No .... Thank you."

The Nameless Ghouls enter the room and begin to form a circle around the couple, singing lyrics, like the singings in the churches.

(Nameless Ghouls):""Our father

Who art in hell

Unhallowed be thy name

Cursed be the sons and daughters

Of thine Nemesis

Whom are to blame

Thy kingdom come


The room is plunged into the darkness, with only a few lit candles held by each of the Ghouls. With his scepter, Papa Emeritus shows a bright red pentagram underfoot of Emily and asks her to stay in place, she has nothing to fear. The young woman is impressed but not moving.

(Emeritus): "Do not fear anything, you will not feel anything."

Emily has trust to the dark pope. The Nameless Ghouls continue to sing the lyrics, while Papa Emeritus stands in front of Emily and begins to sing too, showing a dark sphere in his hand, with his scepter. Then he reaches out to Emily and the sphere enters into the young woman. Emily felt a weird feeling when the sphere enters her body, but it only lasts two seconds. She looks at her hands and sees dark sparks that appear and disappear. This is a sign that she has received the powers of the queen of darkness. Slowly, the lights come back and the ritual ends. The Ghouls going in silence and extinguish the candles. Papa Emeritus stays in the room with Emily and approaches her.

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