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(___)= Name


"We're here." Ethan announced.

I raised my eyebrows, looking at the small trailer in the parking lot. Ethan began walking towards the trailer, me following closely behind. We stopped at the door and Ethan knocked a certain rhythm.

The door opened to reveal a man a little taller than Ethan with dark hair, and some stubble on his face.

"Ethan, you're back!" He smiled widely, his narrow eyes squinting as he did.

Ethan returned the smile, holding the bag of food up. "And I've got plenty of food."

The taller man pulled Ethan into a hug, stepping back. "Come on in."

Ethan gave me a nod, allowing me to go inside first. I walked in, seeing three people and a dog. They all turned to look at me with blank stares, the dog tilting it's head. Ethan walked in with a smile on his face, thr dark haired man shutting the door behind him. Every one in the trailer smiled with relief, getting up and walking over to Ethan and I.

The tallest man with curly dark hair pulled Ethan into a tight hug, lifting him off the ground. Ethan laughed and blushed out of embarrassment when the man put him down.

"Tyler....stop." Ethan chuckled, signalling to me.

The two girls who were standing with huge smiles on their faces hugged Ethan as well. The petite blonde pulled away first, looking at me.

"So who's she?"

"Hello," I waved awkwardly. "I'm, uh, (___)."

The darker haired girl with glasses smirked, looking to the blonde. "Ethan got a girlfriend."

The two of them giggled, Ethan's face becoming bright red. I couldn't help but laugh, feeling like I was in a safe place for once.

"She's not my girlfriend! (___) just....helped me find this."

Ethan dropped the bag of food, the dog sniffing at it. They all gasped at the bag, surprised.

"Where did you get that?" The man, now known as Tyler, asked.

"Just found it." I let out slowly. I crossed my arms. "Now it's my turn to ask a question. Who are all of you?"

"I'm Tyler." (Immmmmmm Tyler!
....sorry I had to)

The dark hair girl smiled at me. "Kathryn."

"I'm Amy." The blonde said, sitting back down on the small chair.

The man who opened the door crossed his arms. "And I'm Mark." The dog barked, nudging me. "Oh yeah, and that's Chica."

I couldn't help but smile, crouching to pet Chica. Seeing a dog after two years made my heart flutter.

"So," Tyler said, digging into the bag. "Who's hungry?"

All of us ate together in a small circle, sharing laughs, talking about how things were before the apocalypse. Even though I had been by myself majority of the apocalypse, it felt nice to be talking to others.


The trailer was now dark, everyone's shallow breathing the only sound. Even though I felt safe with Ethan, Mark, Amy, Kathyrn, and Tyler; I still felt unsettled. Sitting up, I let out a huff. I looked to Ethan, who was peacefully sleeping next to me. Everyone here seemed like a great person who I could trust, but Ethan was the one who I could trust the most.

"Ethan?" I whispered, shaking him.

He groaned, turning his body to look at me. "(___), what's wrong?"

"Something really doesn't feel right. I feel like someone is watching us. Or like we were followed here."

Ethan sat up, his eyes still tired. "Maybe you're just not used to being with people again. You might feel like you can't trust them," he glanced at all his sleeping friends. "But they're great people. You'll be fine."

The two of us sat in silence, listening to the breathing of the others. I brought my knees close to my chest and focused on my breaths.


Wowwwww hasn't this story got boring! I'm just building up the story...things Will get exciting real soon!

Oh...and don't get to attactched to anyone }:)

Please be sure to vote and comment! Don't be a silent reader! (Lmao this makes me sound so desperate)

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