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(___)= Name


We drove in silence for a long time. No one knew what to talk about, exactly. Tyler was dead. We all knew that. Ethan didn't even have to say anything to Mark and Amy, they could just tell.

I turned around in my seat, still seeing Rosanna and Gerald driving behind us. "Where exactly are we going?"

"Not really sure," Amy responded without looking away from the road. "Somewhere safe hopefully."

"Rotunda was safe." Ethan muttered.

I sighed. Strangely, I missed it. "Yeah, it was."

"Its my fault."

Amy's eyes shifted in the rearview mirror. Ethan and I stared at the passenger seat. Mark ran a hand through his messy hair and sighed.

"How is it your fault?" Amy asked, shaking her head.

"I went crazy, I lost it. I was the one who killed Dan. Phil almost shot me he was so mad. Tyler is dead because of one of my stupid actions!" Mark said.

I stared at Mark in disbelief. He seriously blamed himself for everything?

"Mark, it wasn't your fault, really." I said.

Ethan nodded at my words. "You weren't the one who threw the bomb- or whatever it was."

"It was Marzia." I growled.

Amy slammed on the brakes and turned around in her seat. "What? Marzia didn't do any-"

"She was with the group who killed Kathryn. They set traps and made me pick who to save, her or Ethan. They somehow followed us, probably on another boat. Then when we were at Rotunda, she showed up. I didn't trust Marzia at all, I went to talk to her, but she claimed to not know the group I was talking about." I paused and scrunched my nose in disgust. "She kissed Ethan. She wanted me to get mad and I'm guessing, ruin everything between us. I was mad and kind of....beat the shit out of her, which is why she was in the infirmary. Marzia probably wanted that to happen, that way they wouldn't be able to blame her for the explosion."

Amy and Mark stared wide eyed at me, turned around in their seats at this point. Ethan lowered his head and fiddled with the sleeves of his shirt.

"Another group?" Mark let out.

"We took their food, they just want to get revenge." Ethan added.

I shook my head, my eyes meeting Ethan's. "They killed Kathryn. They've already gotten their revenge. What they want, is us."

I heard a car door slam and after a few seconds, a tap on the window. I looked over, seeing Gerald standing with a confused expression. I rolled down my window and stared at him.

"Why'd we stop?" He asked.

"I'm sorry," Amy said and looked back to the road. "We should probably keep driving. I was just....shocked."

Gerald nodded, and clicked his tongue. "Aight, lets get going."


It was nearly dark, the sun was going down quickly. Driving in the dark was one thing, but driving in the snow when it was dark was a lot harder. A large snowflake slammed against the windshield and I jumped.

"Should we pull over?" Ethan asked.

Amy shook her head, biting her lip. "Its better if we get away from here as soon as possible."

"We haven't really seen that many walkers, I think we're fine." Mark pointed out.

Amy ignored him and kept driving. Some time passed, stars were now visible in the sky. I smiled, actually having time to look at them. Something I used to do before everything went bad.

"Hey Amy," Mark said "look."

She looked up at the sky. The stars and moon illuminated her features as her eyes sparkled. She smiled, like I had. Amy needed this.

The smile still on her face, she looked back to the road. It was too late. There was a walker in the road, and if she hadn't been looking at the stars she would have saw it earlier.

Amy screamed and swerved the car. We crashed into something, my head slamming into Mark's seat.


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