I'm Sorry ~ F.I.

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"Y/n come here!" Frank yelled from the door. You groaned and walked towards it. "Yea babe, what's up?" You asked politely. "Is the dinner ready?" Frank asked.

He was like this for the past weeks. Coming home from band practices, eating some food, going to sleep. You knew he was stressed, but that wasn't an excuse for him being disrespectful towards you.

"No its not." You answered, still trying to stay polite.

"God dammit, Y/n. I expect dinner to be ready when I'm home." He let out a groan before talking again. "Why can't you do anything right?!"

"That hurt, Frank. I'm going to take a nap. Wake me when-" Frank threw his jacket on the floor. "-you have a better attitude."

You stomped up the stairs, choking back tears. When you reached the bedroom, you jumped on to the bed, face first, and began to cry. You let all the tears fall out, that you were holding way too long.

Why is he like this? I did nothing wrong.

You felt your eyelids become heavier and dozed off into a peaceful sleep...

*time skip brought you by Frank's beautiful eyes*

You felt a little weight on your waist and soon you heard crying. You turned around and saw Frank, who pulled his arm away from you.
"Frankie? What's wrong?" You asked, rubbing your eyes.

Frank wiped away his tears, with his hand and smiled at you. "Oh, nothing." He answered.

"Frank..." You started. You saw a stray of hair on his forehead, and reached for it. "I know there's something wrong with you, don't be stupid. You know you can tell me."

He wiped his eyes again and faked a laugh.

"I'm just so sorry. I behaved so wrong the past days. And I know you probably hate me now, but I just wanted you to know, that I'm so sorry, and I don't deserve you." He looked down.

"No, Frank, don't think like that." You placed your fingers under his chin, lifting his head so he was looking at you. "Yea, you made a few mistakes, but that doesn't mean that you don't deserve me, because you deserve the world."

*another time skip*

Frank has been treating you like a princess, lately. And you couldn't be more happy.

Breakfast in bed, movie nights, cooking, cleaning the house...

And he did all of that, even though he was still stressed from work. He just learned to handle it.

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