You woke up in a very bright room. You were surrounded by many people.
"Doctor, she's awake!" A woman's voice echoed through the room. You opened your eyes and immediately felt a sharp pain in your whole body. You gasped for air and your chest rose and fell rapidly.
A few doctors and nurses rushed into your room and surrounded you.
After a while, most of them finally left and you started to spoke up. "Where's Dallon?" You panicked. You started looking around the room, even though you knew, the only people in there were you and two nurses. "Dallon Weekes?" The red haired nurse asked you, with her eyebrows raised. You nodded, and she frowned, which worried you.
"Where is he?" You asked again, a little more harsh, almost sounding like a snap. The other nurse, who was blonde, cleared her throat and answered your question. "The other car, hit his side mainly. Your husband is in a serious condition right now. That means-"
"He's not gonna make it right?" You answered, while you teared up. "It's not impossible for him to survive, but it would be a miracle." The red haired explained.
"Can I see him?" You asked. One of the nurses opened her mouth, but closed it again when you started to talk, again. "Please?"
"We would've let you see him, but he's in surgery right now. And surgery will go on for another two and and half hours."
You nodded. "Can I be alone for a second? I have to process evrything." The nurses nodded and left without another word.
The door shut and you began crying. You were a mess. You leaned back into your bed and laid down. You ignored the pain and hit the wall, that was right next to your bed, repeatedly.
"Why? Why? Why? Why?" You asked yourself everytime you hit it.
It was possible for you, to never see the person you loved the most again in your life.
*time skip that's smaller than Frankie*
"Ms. Weekes?" A doctor chimed in. "Yea?" You wiped your tears away. "I'm sorry to tell you, but Dallon Weekes has passed away."
"Oh." Your voice cracked, as you looked down. The doctor knew you wanted to be left alone, so he did.
You reached for the plugs and took one deep breath, which would also be your last.
"Wait for me, Dallon." You whispered as you pulled out your plugs, that kept you alive.

Emo Band Imagines
FanfictionLots of emo bands. Currently trying to update more and faster. Enjoy reading the imagines. All imagined are X-reader. If you'd like to, leave a vote and a comment. For requests dm me.