Colours ~ M.W.

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(A/n: Ok this imagine might be confusing, so here a little explanation. In this imagine you're living in a world, where you have soulmates. The thing is, you can only see black and white, unless you already found your soulmate. And you can find them by touching them and colours will soon appear.)

"I'm leaving!" You screamed at your now ex-boyfriend.

"What, why?!" He screamed back, walking towards you, aggressively.

You picked up your suitcase and your car keys.

"You don't care about me, ignore me all the time and if you notice me, you treat me like trash! When you first saw me, you told me that you could see colours. You lied! Because I had to see them too, but I didn't and never did!" You spat and slammed the door behind you.

You ran towards your red car with tears in your eyes.

You opened the car door and threw your suitcase in the passenger seat and sat down before closing the door.

Without second thoughts, you started the car and headed towards your best friends house.


While driving, anger boiled up inside you, probably because reality hit you.

You slowly pulled over, stopped the car and unbuckled your seatbelt.

"Fuck!" You screamed as you were hitting the steering wheel multiple times.

How could I be so blind? He used me. Lied to me and I'm just leaving him now? After 2 fucking years?

After calming down for half an hour, you started your car once again and tried to not let your thoughts trigger you.

*time skip brought you by CrankThatFrank*

"Y/n?" Gerard rubbed his eyes.

Was he taking a nap?

Without saying anything, you threw your arms around him and started to sob into his chest.
"Woah, what happened?" He asked, rubbing your back.

"I broke up with Dylan. I don't know why this hits me so hard, because I broke up with him." You explained.

"Come inside."

You nodded and let go off him. Gerard placed his hand on your lower back and guided you towards the living room.

"By the way, my brother is here." He said.

Brother? Gerard never told me about a brother.

You didn't want to push it, so you just mumbled a quiet 'ok'.

You didn't have to go to the bathroom to clean up because you were wearing no make up that would be messed up.

"I have to go grocery shopping, call me if you need anything." Gerard smiled before leaving.

You sighed and stood up, walking to the kitchen.

Soon, you heard footsteps approaching you. Your eyes widened, but turned to the usual size again when you remembered that Gee told you, that his brother was here.

"Um, hi. You are Gerards brother right?" You sniffed, looking at the man in the kitchen doorframe.

"Yea-" he eyed you up and down, while crossing his arms over his chest and leaning at the doorframe. "- and you are?"

"Oh, I'm Y/n. Gee's best friend." You held out your hand.

"Oh, I've heard a lot abo-" He stopped talking when his hand touched yours.

His eyes widen along with yours. Both of your mouths fell open and you were just starring right at each other.


"Do you- do you see that?" You asked in disbelief.


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