You and Frank finally reached the huge tree with the treehouse. Frank pointed to the treehouse while talking. "That looks amazing. We have to get up there."
You pulled yourself closer to Frank and buried your face into his arm. "Frank, I'm scared." Frank kissed the top of your head and whispered. "Don't be, Y/n, I'm right here to protect you."
You heard a wolf howl in the distance and jumped from it. Frank took advantage of that and walked in the direction of the treehouse, still holding your hand. "Do you want me to go first?" He asked you. You nodded and Frank started climbing up the ladder. You tried to warm up while crossing your arms over your chest. You looked around and let out a sigh of relief. "Come here." You looked up to see Frank holding out his hand for you. You gladly took it and he pulled you up.
"Woah." Was the first thing that escaped your lips when you looked around the treehouse. It had words engraved in it. You brushed over one word with your fingers that took most of your attention.
You looked out of the window of the treehouse.
Everything looked so creepy. The trees in the dark, the fog, even the small rabbits jumping around. "Frankie, I wanna go back" You could burst out into tears any second.
"Ok, ok. Please don't cry." Frank pecked you quick on the lips. You got down and Frank looked confused.
He didn't react. He looked around and ran his hand through his dark hair.
"Frank?" You asked again, a little louder.
"I don't know where to go back, Y/n."
"What?! You brought us here! Just go the way we came from!" You yelled.
"Let's just walk in a direction and scream for the boys, maybe they'll hear us..." Frankie suggested. "If this is the best we could do." You sighed "Then let's do it."
*time skip brought you by Josh's back flips*
"Mikey! Gee!" Frank yelled and pulled you with him.
After a 2 and a half hour search, you've found the rest of the boys.
"Where the hell, were you?!" Gerard asked, anger in his voice. "Were you crying?" His voice softened along with his face when he approached you and took a look at your face, which had dried tear strains on.
You explained everything what happened and you all went home after that.

Emo Band Imagines
FanfictionLots of emo bands. Currently trying to update more and faster. Enjoy reading the imagines. All imagined are X-reader. If you'd like to, leave a vote and a comment. For requests dm me.