Currently you were at a party at Brendons house. There were no sober people left. Everyone was drunk or at least tipsy.
Brendon, Sarah, Joe, Pete, Josh, Dallon and Breezy were drunk, while you, Andy, Jenna, Tyler and Patrick were tipsy.
The party started to get a little bit boring, so Brendon decided to play truth or dare, to keep you from leaving. Everybody sat down on the floor in a circle.
Josh started. "Sarah, truth or dare?" Sarah hesistated before answering. "Dare." Josh threw his hand over his mouth. This dare was gonna be sick. "Give Brendon a lap dance." Sarah giggled and walked over to Brendon. She sat down on his lap and began to tease him by sucking on his neck, moving her hips and pulling on his hair lightly.
After she was done, she walked back over to her place and asked the next person. "Pete, truth or dare?"
Pete had a beer bottle in his hand. He slammed it on the floor, causing you to let out a shriek. "TRUTH" He yelled. "What kind of stuff did you and Patrick do during 7 minutes in heaven an hour ago?" Sarah asked laughing.
"Do you really want to know, Sarah. You're too innocent for that shit." Pete giggled.
"Actually I don't" She chuckled. Pete was next to ask: "Y/n" He burped before asking you "Truth Or Dare?"
"Give me a fucking dare!" You screamed. Pete leaned over to you, whispering in your ear.
"Go to Andy, sit on his lap, tease him a little and whisper daddy."
You leaned back, your jaw wide open. You slapped him on the arm. "Dude!"
"Come on, Y/n, you gotta take some challenges!" Pete yelled.
You sighed before standing up and sitting down on Andys lap. You let one hand rest on his cheek, stroking his cheek, while you used one finger of the other hand to trail his jawline, you were looking on the floor. You looked up again and bit your lip, whispering 'daddy'.
You stood up and walked back to your place.
"Oh my god he has a bon- nope nope nopety nope. I'm done. I'm going to the pool." Tyler suddenly yelled.
You were all at the pool, swimming around.
Andy swam over to Tyler. "Yo, what was that all about, man?" He asked, his eyebrows raised.
"You got a freaking boner, dude. I saved you before any of the girls noticed." Tyler giggled before swimming over to his wife Jenna, leaving Andy with a open jaw.

Emo Band Imagines
FanficLots of emo bands. Currently trying to update more and faster. Enjoy reading the imagines. All imagined are X-reader. If you'd like to, leave a vote and a comment. For requests dm me.