Laying in bed, starring at the ceiling for hours, starring at the wall for hours, your daily night routine.
And today it was just the same.
You were laying in bed. Your back was facing your boyfriend Ryan and you were starring at the wall. You tried thousands of positions to fall asleep in, but none of these worked. You stood up slowly and careful, not to wake Ryan, and walked towards the balcony in your bedroom. You opened the glass door slowly and tried to keep it quiet.
The cold air hit your face, but it was a great feeling. You walked further out and just watched the view.
You were currently in a hotel in Las Vegas and the view was breathtaking.
The many lights of the night were stunning.
You heard shifting on the bed, so you turned around, only to see Ryan moving in his sleep. You smiled to yourself.
You turned back to the view and sat down at on a chair at the little hotel balcony. You closed your eyes and just inhaled and exhaled for the next hour.
"Y/n?" Ryan asked.
You turned to him, he was rubbing his eyes, yawning. He was walking towards you and sat down on the chair beside you.
"Hey Ry." You simply said. "Why are you awake it's-" Ryan looked at his watch "-2:37." He covered his mouth to catch his yawn.
"'Couldn't sleep." You shrugged.
"Oh." He walked back to the bed. He laid down and held his arms open for you. "Come here." He whined.
You chuckled before standing up from your comfortable position and laid down next to him. But Ryan pulled you closer and a few seconds later you were in the ideal position.
Your head on his chest, his arms wrapped around you and your legs tangled with his.
"Would it help you to fall asleep if I would sing?" He asked.
You shrugged before answering. "I don't know. Maybe."
"What do you want me to sing?"
You thought a little bit before answering his question. "Is Northern Downpour okay?"
Ryan nodded and began to sing while playing with your hair.
"If all our life is just a dream. Fantastic posing greed, then we should feed our jewelry to the sea. For diamonds just appear to be, just like broken glass to me. And then she said..."
After he finished the song, you fell asleep in his arms.

Emo Band Imagines
FanfictionLots of emo bands. Currently trying to update more and faster. Enjoy reading the imagines. All imagined are X-reader. If you'd like to, leave a vote and a comment. For requests dm me.