Chapter14- May the stars have mercy on your soul

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(Helllo again!<3 i am so terribly sorry for being gone for sooo long, School's really kicking my rear end but i'm back!! Do you like this story? Let me know down below please!<3 so much questions lol 
Will sans be able to ever tell Chara? Will he finally find out about Chara's past? or will everything crumble before his sockets? Find out soon!! Now lets continue lol<3)

After the whole dream was said and gone, i couldn't really tell myself life would be better..

  For starters, Chara doesn't go anywhere near my belly anymore...Maybe she knows? i doubt it. But, now low and behold i get to welcome the definite feminine side of me now.....It kinda sucks..

  It didn't take long until my clothes stopped covering my stomach, and by the fifth month...I was..very...very noticable.. It looked like i literally swallowed a basketball, which made me all the more self-conscious, so i dug deep into my drawers putting on those old white sweaters my dad use to wear when he was working, followed by my hoodie and long ass sweat pants...It didn't help that with a baby, and all these damn hormones that i suddenly became temperature controlled...yeah not good at all..

  That wasn't the worse of the problem though, What was worse? This kid loved MOVING! Whenever i seemed to try and sit, or accidentally brush my hand on my globe of a stomach, this lil' brat in my body wiggled CONSTANTLY, and always up against my spine!..It's like their's a worm inside of you wiggling and squirming under your skin/ecto-flesh. it's AWFUL! i can't help, but jerk and shudder when this thing moves, uugh it makes me wish i could just take it out, or at least detach this damn barrier... 

  But besides that, it is what it is i guess and i'm just gonna have to deal...till i...uh...pop i guess? Never really understood how a skeleton gets pregnant. I know my dad's explained it to me over and over...but, now that it's actually happening...i um....i don't really know moving on!

  Now to begin with Chara, i love her...but stars do i feel terrible for her.. Sometimes i snap at her because of all the pregnancy hormones, and i don't mean to but it..well it happens anyhow, like the time i snapped at her for hugging my leg, god did i feel like crap afterwards.. Surprisingly, for a blind two year old unable to care for herself; she takes my tough love with a smile on her small face. But, i swear i feel like she's about to cry when i growl and yell at her, because Stars have mercy on your soul for messing with a hormonal skeleton...      

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