Chapter 4 - The Big Bad Skeleton

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[This is a bad idea......oh ......fuck me!]

  This was a bad idea, had i ever thought of in the history of bad logical plans....oh jeez stick a dunce sticker on my head why don't you! In my immediate thought i was mentally freaking out my mind!!! Crap! i didn't think she was actually going to follow the trail! wow, i feel stupid...but, now's not the time to think of my own horrible mistake now was the time to take action, because this kid was coming this way! Quick! think of a damn plan!! i began to slowly pull myself away but, to late...the kid....was right here...In front of me....well to be honest the tree was shadowed enough for me to appear not there, but the kid was there..close way to close....i could smell the blood on her clothes......made me nauseous..

  At first, she was standing there minding her own needed business then she turned, and caught whiff of something on the air...Now, as far as i know ...monsters of different types weren't know to be keen on sniffing and or scents....but, um this kid didn't seem to frightened? ok. I DO know some monsters can smell but, come ON...this kid had no idea who she was standing by for at least a few ten to fifteen minutes and it was obvious, back shadow looming over you with a blue hoodie....Yeah....spooky-ish i guess.

  I took a silent breath...Heh.. Sometimes it was a pretty nifty to not have any lungs or organs...although it does make me wonder how i still function like i have some....The kid slowly looked around wearily now unsure of where she was exactly at....Then, she tensed... My mind froze......oh.....she......she knows i'm here........crap....The moment i said that.....she turned her head in the direction i was it was an act of kindness (well in the best way i could do) or an act of abduction, either way i wasn't gonna let the kid freeze.

  I knew this was a serious bad idea on top of another, but what choice do i have!? If i try to act friendly she'll run away..i had to act fast and be effective, It would be cruel and selfless in her mind, but to me it would be to protect..and, honestly at this point it's the only idea that popped into my empty skull.. I didn't even spare a minute, as soon as she turned i lunged like an animal scooping her into my arms and rushing out.. Bad idea sans, BAD freaking idea! But... It was to late..

  Of course, she started squirming and screaming that's the natural response for somebody like me, who's a full-grown adult, she has no idea who i was or where i came from, and has NO IDEA what so ever if i could injure her...Might, as well call me a monster but, i was seriously trying to do this for her own good.. 

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