Chapter 6- This wasn't what i was exactly thinking ..

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  Finally, home....well abandoned, barren, alone....but Home.. I had to make a few more stops because my stomach, still couldn't decide that there wasn't anything left to get rid of, so most of the spots it was just dry heaving.... eh... By, this time i was to sick to even bother trying to eat anymore ice, so i just headed on home..

  After, we finally got home i opened the door and shut it behind me, then layed on the couch sighing heavily.. The house was tidy and kinda clean, there were some socks here and there but, mostly since i was to lazy to pick them up..Still, the kid was snuggled up in my chest refusing to wake up, heh she must've really exhausted herself to be cuddled up to something like me...It wasn't long till i got a case of the sleepy spell cast on as i slowly let myself drift off to sleep.

  Ok, can i be the first to say, weirdest dream EVER...I was in a snowy forest walking around, but then everything changed....suddenly, it felt like someone was giving chase to me! i felt myself running into an endless of hallway....Laughter, everywhere....then i fell, i felt grabbed by my neck, and that's when i woke up...I jumped breathing hard looking around, until i heard a slight whimper, looking down i saw that the child i um rescued? ...Was now cuddling my middle, asleep...I let out a soft sigh, gently stroking her hair to try to seem nice...It surprised me she didn't run..she was still here, snuggling into me....Did she know i was safe?....No, maybe she was just exhausted and needed the sleep, i stood up a little picking her up into my arms. But, the moment i tried she clung to my middle hugging tightly. (clingy brat, first you don't want me now your way to clingy for my taste...Make your mind up kid)...I let out a sigh, try again? Nope! same thing, stays clinging...Ok, so now i have a clingy brat that has abandonment issues...Lovely.. Not only, that the one place i wish she wasn't hugging so tightly, because now i was already getting pretty queasy..

 AND, as far as i'm concerned..I don't want to end up my stomach wanting me to git rid of shit when their's nothing even in there anymore! I growled slightly...finally opening my mouth to speak..

  "Kiddo, my belly's not a pillow for you to squeeze, i didn't rescue you, for me to be your personal teddy bear....Get off".....I looked down at the kid after finishing what i had to say when the kid looked up at me suddenly, staring up at me immediately started shivering, Holy crap! this kid was giving me a huge case of goose bumps! My eyes widen suddenly unsure what to say next, until this kid spoke..


  Oh hell no..  

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