Chapter 16- Were not alone... Are we?

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  Sans POV- 

  I don't mind that Chara strays away from me now, it only feels logical to do so, yet... This pregnancy may be more then I've bargained for..

  Around, the five months in a half, the baby that now was taking residence, was getting larger and heavier in my abdomen (putting strain on my poor back/spine ouchie) But, there was something off greatly about it.. Yes. I have grown to deal with the wiggly monster souling in my belly, but....the symptoms...these couldn't be a normal pregnancy could it?

  I mean, it SEEMS normal but there were alot of things that....concerned me....greatly...

One; As i have been taught and many others before me, Monsters accumulate a SOUL, a vessel of magic containing our entire genetic being.  The only problem is (yes the child has a soul chill out kiddos) The different. 

  It's we say STRONG! like, really, really strong.... you can feel it in your very core strong.. But that didn't throw me off like i thought it would, what threw me off was that...Unborn monster's soul as i've been taught... ARE NOT SOLID BLOOD RED! their a nice White before the magic begins to take form changing the soul's color, but this was not the case... This soul...had something....something strong, and powerful....Something my skeletal structure and magic could not keep contained for long.....

  Honestly, each day i carried this well whatever they are, it would get harder to breathe and function.I felt like i was no longer a soon to be mom, but a glass jar containing something...... powerful and unknown like a test tube holding a developing experiment.. Not only that, on an occasion, i would feel a pained almost burning sensation in my abdomen that would sometimes be strong enough to bring me to my knees, it'd make me hope for the worse. Then suddenly poof! the burning was gone, but i still felt very...very weak.

Anyways, something happened... Unfortunately their are no older monsters to help me through this ordeal so i had to make sure i kept active, so i went out of the house daily walking. Walking was pain for my pelvis and spine now, but i needed some sort of built strength! and with this thing inside me getting stronger and stronger by the day i had to make myself stronger in some way. As much as i hated it, i always had to leave Chara in the house... Being out here was too dangerous, i knew she hated it as well but i did it anyways, even if it pained me to...

  Ok, so anyways i was doing my normal routes, now for a 5 months along momster (heh) i couldn't get THAT far but i knew i needed the exercise, so today.....I walked alittle farther...yanno the Ruins ....yeah that far...By the time i got there, i was huffing and puffing as i leaned against the door carefully sitting patrolling of the Underground was now cut short thanks to having to be with chara and this thing....So as far as i knew i felt there was still no one here even though my last check was months ago...

  I felt comfortable where i sat, as i rubbed my swollen barrier trying to calm the fussy souling inside "hey, bucko knock it off in there...I'm not your personal punching bag" i said sternly, yet with a tint of softness in my voice.. The souling inside me squirmmed slightly, slowly relaxing till suddenly it jerked inside me almost like a kick or more like a quick shift nonetheless, it was painful as i groaned slightly. I rubbed alittle bit roughly trying to stop the movement till the souling began to freak kicking out aggressively like, it was almost like it was frightened, or distressed. I was confused "Ok...ow and second, why the sudden fear kiddie i'm not hurting ya" i tried to soothe my child alittle more till the kicking turned panicked and my entire belly lit up a bright blood red. "A-ah K-kid s-s-top!" The burning sensation took ahold of me, only to feel emotion flow into my soul.. What?.....It was if all of a sudden i felt intense fear as my bones turned cold, i felt the souling's soul shuddered..

"Were not alone .....Are we?"


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