Chapter 18-Distractions are key...

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(Finals are happening this week sorry i've been gone for sooo long but i'ma try to see if i can write some more chapters, here we go!)


 "Run", that's all i could think to muster...Run, get out, get away from him he will kill you..

  I felt my body stiffen, my senses heightened..... Run, leave me The man smiled on swinging his brass leash and collar

 "C'mere you short Bitch, or i'll come and geeeet you~<3"

  My soul sank deep in my ribs, now i was scared...terrified, i wanted nothing to do with this, but i was running low on options.. Run, and risk being captured... Your five months pregnant you can't run far, he'll catch you.. Or hide and pray he doesn't find you... I was shaking, i couldn't even mutter a help let alone a noise... No one was here to help me.. i was on my own, alone and afraid...

  I could hear his boots trudging ever so lightly in the snow, he was clever and quiet... i was very good at hiding, but all this stress could end up horribly for me, especially for the baby.. Even though strong, would not live out of my barrier at five months... I had to be risky, but i wasn't gonna risk running, something tells me that collar he swung was meant for magic bearing monsters, meaning if he got it on me....I'm dead in the water...

  I focused on a plan of distraction, and swift action.. In my current condition i was slow and vulnerable.. falling or landing roughly into something could easily put me at risk of going into an early labor... But i was smart and excellent at hiding, if i could distract him long enough or get him into a magical trap i might be able to get away, get Chara, and run the hell out of there...But.. huge problem, i can't use magic... All my magic is being fed to the fragile souling protected in my belly, so i'm magic-less... if i even try teleporting, i risk hurting my baby and i'm already getting pretty attached to this thing to begin with... What type of mom would i be to hurt my unborn child? nope! not happening...

  As i think quietly the man treads closer, he already knows i'm here and already probably knows i'm pregnant..(because i can't hide my belly anymore....Even my dad's clothes can't hide it) or i'm just really fat? nah i think he can tell the difference...

Now it was time.... As soon as i heard him come close enough, i leapt to another tree carefully landing to avoid any rough colliding or abrasion, i have to be careful i'm heavy and i know for fact a tree will not hold up a pregnant person, even if that person a skeleton... I could hear him getting frustrated as he began to tap the trees i was alittle a ways from... I took a breath climbing as best as i could, if i can find something heavy enough i might be able to stun and injure him...   

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