Chapter 23- Hybrid??

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(Hey guys! So, to be honest (gonna cut to it real quick) i kinda feel nervous, and unsafe. Don't get me wrong, i love this place but i feel unsure, yanno? I just don't want my stuff stolen, that's all.)

"i'm a Hybrid"

  A ....what? My head was spinning again, what do you mean Hybrid honestly??!, I mean what is that?!

 I tried hard to understand, but before i could the mysterious figure started to walk towards me "! H-hey now, k-kiddo, m' not the sans you want....s-seriously" i was shaking, shaking from each moment, each second i moved.. Then... They suddenly stopped, their eyes a hue of white staring into my empty sockets..... like a beast. Whoever they were, or who they seemed.. I had a bad feeling, a drenching fear that soaked through my very bones. Tread lightly.

  The figure seemed to stop, taking a small moment to access the area, his hands pointing to each spot figuratively, before putting one beneath his chin in thought. Was he... Back-tracking?

  He seemed to sigh a while, like he was almost ...regretful "humans. tsh, they really don't change do they?" I blinked in confusion.

  ".....huh?" Hybrid seemed to face me again, his eyelights already a glowing blue "so, i take it you think i'm one of those eh?" This time i was the one blinking in confusion "wait. Your not-"

  "does it look so?" 

  "Well yes, but- you seem, um-"

  "What?, different?" i swallowed a moment before nodding "yeah... What...i mean, who are you exactly? I mean, you can't be a monster....but. Humans can't see without eyes... right?"

  Hybrid seemed to hesitate "Sans. IF that is what i can refer you to?"

  "yeah, my name's that. Why? why, and just how do you know- OK wait!" i stopped a moment, shaking my head. "I'M SANS, I've always been Sans!, i got that name from my father, and it's the name i'll have when i dust! So why, .....why in the...fine! you know what!?" i took a breath again before suddenly snapping "JUST WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY MY NAME LIKE IT'S BEEN USED BEFORE!? THAT IS MY NAME, YOU HEAR ME!? MY N A M E-" i recoiled suddenly. I had no damn reason to shout, and judging on how fast that human died.. i could be very well be next.

  My bones started to chill again. Those eyes. those empty eyes, staring at me, coldly. i felt sure i was dead, but. Instead, something else happened. Hybrid stared at me before sighing softly under his breath.

  "if only that name DID belong to just you, i would accept it..But, it doesn't. It never has..."

    Was he. mocking me?, on purpose?! I could feel my anger start to boil, my hands start to shake. Wanting to shout so badly, but... i stopped myself, i don't know him, and fortunately, i can't just outright yell at him again when HE SAVED ME.... i looked down at my round stomach to push my thoughts away. Don't get mad, relax, remember, calm. In my zen of a few seconds, i had almost forgot someone.... Someone i did know......

   CHARA! oh stars she's still at the house!!, i need to get back to her, i have to!! But, how?? With this guy here, he could hurt her or worse... I struggled a breath looking back up to Hybrid "Look, i'm actually sorry i yelled...i just....I just want an answer, i-...i know since you basically saved me, ya don't technically owe me anything at all. but. i want to know......who really, are you?"

  He stared at me for a moment, i could feel his sockets burn into my soul, but his gaze... Despite everything, was calm and with a soft nod... He answered:

  "Hybrid Sans, i'm a Sans. Just like you, i'm not the only one either...."

  Not... the only......One?... Just how many sans are there!?!

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