Chapter 19....perhaps its best to run?

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(Hello guys!! Its been awhile so I'm kinda here and there but internet on my laptops off so I'm kinda stuck but, im trying to work on stuff well see where this goes kay?)

I have no words...
   Its almost nerve wrecking how quickly my world turned upside-down by this one day......

   I was never an easily terrified person...never had am entire body just quakes at the thought of this human....i mean.....why did he even want me??...What was i to him?.....i am just a monster thats it. Nothing more, and nothing else...

  So...why me?

   I stood.. Shaking in the soul clenching in my very ribs.....i have to find a way...I MUST FIND A WAY...i can't i WON'T go down like this....

I will find a way...think..sans....


I can hear his echoing footsteps....his entire weight balanced precariously on his toes....he was quiet...but the snow was my ally..

I broke my gaze from his walking...(c'mon sansy hurry...think!....anything...i cannot be captured...i will not LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE)....through my determined sockets caught a was loose looped sided alittle, drooping to the base of the trunk of the tall old withered oak...

A broken branch? looks heavy, but...can i break it in time to use it?

Time was of the essence, and i was not sure how much time i truly had left..

....its now or never.....i take the shot....or end up in that snared brass metal he swings around...(which with a better view...was actually my neck size....creepy)

I didn't hesitate, but i wasn't stupid either... With the upmost care, i shimmied quickly to that tree...

Don't miss a step, please don't miss a step...i told myself over and over as i moved....

My hands and legs worked their balance....but being top heavy, is risky....slowly, i as i could....i neared the branch, finally.. I just need to grab-

Suddenly, i pale....something snatches my felt like tough leather, yanking me down with its very might...

I want to scream....i didn't realize he was that CLOSE.....

"There you are sweetheart❤"

I heard these only words..before the leash yanked my leg sending me off balance...

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