Chapter 7

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Tiffie: heyy dri babe . r u okaiee ?

Me: yup.

Qeyzie: Dri what's up? U good?

Me: yup.

Oh, I assume Lelani's bitch ass told them what happened between us. Honestly, I don't know why the fuck she came at me like that. Like, really?! Malcolm's coocoo crazy ass took my gotdamn phone! What was I suppose to do? Fight for it and have him murder me? I think not! She's lucky I even got it back when I damn did.

Her country ass lost her phone once and didn't get a new one until she turned seventeen, so I think she should be able to relate to not having a phone. I didn't call her ass no bitch for not having a phone, so why did she have to call me one?

A phone? We seriously just had a fight over a fucking phone? Or was it the jealousy of what she thinks goes on in my life? I will happily let her take my place so she can get all the luxury shit. She can also get the beatings and she can also be held at gun point ever so often to remind her why she can't leave the crazy son of a bitch!

Instead of going straight to my grandmother's house, I drove around to calm my nerves for a while.

When I did get to her house, I noticed a car parked out front. I got out the car and locked the doors then walked to her porch.

I was about to knock on the door, but it came open. There I see Raheem holding a toddler in his arms. She's so cute; she resembles him.

He opened the door with a smile on his face. "Hey Dri, how ya doin'?"

I flashed a fake smile as I walked in.

"I'm good, but who's this little cutie?"

"This is my daughter, Layla. She recently turned three."

She looked at me then shyly then she covered her face with her hand and laid her against Raheem's chest.

"She tryna act all shy." He chuckled as he kissed her on the head. He was about to say something else but Bianca came out the kitchen.

"Hey! How's my favorite hubby and my favorite little girl?"

Oh, so she's that type. The type that puts up a big ass front for other females. She doin' too much for no reason at all.

I walked past them and into the kitchen to see my grandmother standing at the stove stirring something in a pot.

"Hey Grammy! How are you today?"

She put her big spoon down on a napkin then came over to me to give me a hug.

"Hey baby girl, I'm alright. My arthritis had me feelin' bad earlier but I'm good now." She pulled away from the hug to try and look in my eyes. "How about you baby? I tried to call you but it kept going to voicemail."

Wow! That means that Malcolm must have kept my phone off for those days that he kept my phone. I don't understand that at all. If someone's phone kept going to voicemail, I think I would have sense enough to know it means that they have the phone turned off. It doesn't mean they've turned all uppidy and shit. I would be concerned if one of my friend's phone kept going to voice mail, not mad.

"Oh I just haven't had it for a few days. I've also been just taking some time to relax and stuff. I'm sorry."

I almost gasped when I seen that my sleeve came up too far. I started fidgeting with my fingers to pull my sleeve back down.

"Oh baby I understand. So how has your marriage been treating you?"

"Good. Things have been really nice." I guess that'd be the truth if he was how he is today everyday.

She observed me for a moment before opening her mouth to speak again. "Has that man been hurting you Adrianna?"

I started laughing. Not one of those nervous laughs, a fake 'real' laugh. Well at least my acting skills are getting better.

"What?! Malcolm?" I laughed again. "Oh no. My man wouldn't even hurt a fly."

Well, in a way that's true. He really wouldn't just hurt a fly. He would demolish it. He'd probably pull out his gun and try to shoot the damn thing.

Okay, that's a bit much, seems about right though.

"Why don't you seem like a happy newlywed then? Something has to be going on with you. Do not lie to your grandmother Adrianna Giselle.What have I told you? Lying gets you nowhere."

She wagged her finger in my face as she gave me a stern look. I just smiled.

Lying may not get me anywhere, but at least it keeps my family unharmed! I believe Malcolm when he says he'll hurt my family. He's crazy, there's no telling what all he'd do!

"I'm not lying. You know me Grammy, I don't get overly hyped about anything. That doesn't mean I'm not happy. I just like to be subtle and humble about things, ya know? Oh, and plus I've been helping mom with her projects. That has me flustered sometimes. She expects a lot out of me. I'm good though."

My mom really does bug the fuck out of me about helping with her shit. She wants me to help sketch out designs, she wants me to pass out her cards, she wants me to stay with an abusive man even though she was abused by a man. The more I think about her the madder I get. I'm sick of being her golden ticket. I'm just her pawn in her wicked game.

We had a two minute stare down before she had to check the stove. I was about to sit at the table, but Raheem came in.

"Mama Grace, can I steal Adrianna away from you for a minute or two?"

"Go ahead." She pointed her spoon at me. "I will get to the bottom of this though Adrianna Giselle."

I pointed my finger at her giving her the same stern look. "I love you too Grammy."

Raheem led me out back into my grandmother's garden. My grandmother has one of those super green thumbs. She loves gardening and she does a good job at it.

We took a seat on the bench swing.

"So what's up?"

"It used to be like a treat when I got to come over here. It was even better when you were over here. We used to have so much fun back here."

I laughed, thinking about it. "Oh yeah, we did used to have a bunch of fun. It was especially fun when Grammy would let us use two chairs and a sheet to make a tent."

"Yeah." He nodded. "Those are memories I'll cherish forever."

"Is... something wrong Raheem?"

He's acting strange.

"No." He flashed a smile at me. "It's just that... these days are steady passin' by. Life is too short to be stuck doing something you don't want to do or being with someone you don't want to be with. It's best to do the things you want to do while you can do them. Experience life."

Ugh, don't I know it.

"Where is this coming from Raheem?"

My hand lightly rubbed against his jaw line, causing him to look over at me. He grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on my hand.

"I'm just generally speaking about some of the things on my mi-"

Bianca came outside holding their daughter.

"Layla is getting tired Raheem. I think we should get ready to head home."


She went back inside.

"Well my girls are ready to go, so I guess we'll have to continue this conversation some other time." He got up and kissed my head. "Take care Adrianna."

He left me sitting on the swing,more confused than anything. There has to be a reason for him acting that way and saying those things, but what is that reason?

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