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~Oshibana station~

I was currently stuck in the wind barrier Erigor made that surrounded the station. With no idea of his motive, I decided to seek help. With one hand placed in front of me with my palm open, I shouted, "Open the Gate of Knowledge, Laios!" Then, a gold magic circle appeared in front of my palm, and Laios, a knight, appeared. He has knowledge of everything going on and even people, therefore, he would know what Eisenwald planning. He only needs to think for a few seconds and he would know (something like Crux). Laios asked, "What can I do for you, Princess?" "Laios, it has been a long time, and I want you to track down what Eisenwald is planning to do with the Lullaby." I replied seriously. After a few seconds, he replied, "It seems like Eisenwald are planning to use the Lullaby against guild masters, which are gathered at Clover Town. It is further down this station." "Thanks, Laios. You may go back." I said and with that he teleported back. My face instantly turned black for the fact that Eisenwald were planning to use Lullaby against the guild masters, who are like our parents. Eisenwald members would have to pay for this misdoings. I teleported back to find Erza and regroup with the rest.


I decided to question some of the Eisenwald members since I am unable to do much with my magic at a low level. Meanwhile, I had tied up most of them and while I am questioning them, most of them were unwilling to reveal anything. Then, Gray appeared shouting my name and I realized he was alone. I asked him of Natsu's whereabouts, to which he replied that they split up. He also revealed that Eisenwald's real objective was to use Lullaby against the guild masters who are having their regular meeting at Clover Town, which is the town down the line from Oshibana Station. Instantly, my rage was incurred and I angrily questioned the guy I was grabbing, "So that was what you're planning?"

At the same time, Y/N appeared out of nowhere and said that, "This whole station is surrounded by a magic wind barrier/ wall that Erigor made. I asked, "Can't we just force our way out?" Gray replied that, "You'll be mincemeat if you try and force yourself out." Erza said, "But we can't do anything. The longer we take, the closer Erigor is to where the guild masters are. Oh yes... There should be someone called "Kage" in Eisenwald who dispelled Lullaby's seal. He should be able to dispel the magic wind wall." "Dispel? He's a Dispeller?" Gray said with a surprised tone. Y/N then said, "We should search for Natsu and Kage. From the walkie talkie, Kage is near Natsu, or should I say, FOLLOWING him? Anyways, we should go find them."


I decided to look for Natsu from the walkie talkie and I noticed that someone seems to following Natsu, which should be Kage. I also noticed that there is a different coloured dot behind us, indicating that someone is hiding in the wall behind us. "Natsu, can you hear me? Natsu!" I shouted into the walkie talkie. However, there was no response from Natsu. I told Gray and Erza to go find Natsu from the walkie talkie since he wasn't responding back to me, while I will stay with Twinkle to keep guard of the people.

~Meanwhile (THIRD PERSON'S POV) ~

Once Erza and Gray left to find Natsu, Twinkle who was flying next to my head, asked me, "Y/N, why did you stay behind for? They don't seem to be able to do anything in their current state." I said smirking, "That may be true for these people here, but the fat one is here. It is better to take precaution before he disrupts our plan." She replied shocked while turning her head quickly many times to find him in this part of the station, "Where is he? How come I can't see him anywhere?" I giggled and took her in my arms. I turned her small head to the front and pointed at the wall in front. "Huh? How come I still don't see him?" She asked curiously. I said, "Of course you can't. He is hidden within the wall." She shockingly asked, "What magic is that?" I replied softly in her ears, "It is Phrasing Magic." (Btw, this is from the Internet, so it is not made up!) "So, what do we do with him now?" She whispered in my ears. "Don't worry, I have my own plans to force him out." I said softly to her. Twinkle then flew out of my arms and I then walked towards the wall. As I walked with my hands in my pockets, I said loudly, "Excuse me, but how long do you plan to stay hidden within the walls? Would you want to come out willingly by yourself or do I have to force you out? If you choose the latter, your ending would not be very pleasant. I will give you 3 seconds before I will actually break down that wall. 1... 2..." Instantly, a brown magic circle appeared on the wall and the fat guy's head and upper body stuck out of it. "Good, now slowly come out of the wall." I said kindly. Then, out of nowhere, the guy that Erza interrogated earlier shouted loudly, "Karacka, go find Kage and dispose of him!" The fat guy responded worriedly, "Please, not me! I'm useless as backup in a fight!" "There is no one else except you! You have to do it or else our plans would be all in vain!" The guy retorted back loudly at the fat one. Before I could even say anything, the fat one had already concealed himself within the wall. I looked at the walkie talkie and saw that the dot was already moving in the direction of Natsu. I then decided to chase after him using Shadow magic and brought Twinkle along by concealing her within my shadow. (don't know if this is real or not, but just image wrapping Twinkle in like a black cloth and entering the ground)

(NatsuXReader)The story of a an unknown dragon slayerWhere stories live. Discover now