Chapter 4- FIGHT!!!

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You woke up early and decided to take a shower. Then, Twinkle woke up and she decided to take a shower with you. You then started to wash you and Twinkle. She played with the water for a while and started to splash you. Then, a water war started and you decided it was time to get out of the bathroom. After putting on clothes for Twinkle, you changed into yours too. (The dress that you chose is the pic shown.) You then applied some light makeup and lipstick. Then you went to make some breakfast for you and Twinkle. You made 2 fish and some bacon and eggs for Twinkle and you respectively. You also made some fish biscuits for Twinkle and Happy because she gets hungry easily like Happy. After breakfast, you two made your way to the guild in preparation for the fight with Natsu.


I walked with Twinkle to the guild, taking in the scenery and memorizing the way to the guild, in case I get lost. Twinkle was on my head because she was lazy to fly next to me. Soon, I reached the guild. When I opened the guild doors, I realized that there wasn’t much people there as it was 9 in the morning. When I walked in, the males there were all looking at me with their jaws open. I giggled at that as I often get that so I put on my hood when I walk on the streets but with the guild members, I am more comfortable with them so I don’t put on my hood to cover my face. Then, I heard someone running loudly towards the guild. I saw spiky pink hair and wings in the air. I then realized I was standing in the middle in the guild so I immediately moved to one side in order to prevent him from hitting onto me. When they arrived at the guild hall, they immediately stopped and the dust cleared to reveal that it was actually Natsu and Happy. Natsu then sniffed the air and he turned to see me and said, “So you were here,” he then raised his fist up and said with a smirk, “Are you ready to fight me?” I then saw the guild mark that he had on his right arm, I then realized that I forgot to get my guild mark because I was too busy getting to know the guild members. I saw Mira at the bar and I ran there saying, “Mira can I get my guild mark?” She nodded with a small giggle and took out the stamping instrument and asked me, “Where do you want it to be?” I then said, “B/P (body/part). She then took the instrument and stamped it on my b/p and when she did that, it felt cooling. When she took the instrument off, it was revealed to be f/c (favorite/color). I then took Twinkle off my head and I realized she was asleep this whole time. I then gently shook her and she woke up. She said, “What’s up Y/N?” I pointed to Mira, who was still holding onto the instrument, I said to her, “Where do you want your guild mark?” She put her paw below her chin and said excitedly, “I want my guild mark to be wherever Happy had his.” Mira nodded and asked Twinkle to turn around and stamped the guild mark on her back. It turned out to be her f/c. She smiled and thanked Mira together with me. I then shouted loudly in the guild, “Natsu, you ready?” He then said, “Of course, and you are going to lose to me.” I then smirked and said, “Are you sure? Well, we will know when we fight later on.” Then, Gray who apparently was not wearing anything but his boxers said to me and Natsu, “If you are so confident about fighting Fire Breath here so confidently, why don’t you fight me too?” The guild then went quiet and everyone was looking at the three of us. Natsu then said, “DO YOU WANT TO GO, ICE MAN?” I then said to them both, “Okay, I will fight you, Gray, together with Natsu.” Master then said, “Don’t fight in the guild, fight outside. And try not to destroy anything.” I then winked at him and raised my thumb up, indicating that I agreed. We then ran outside and I realized that almost all the guild members were here as I saw Erza, Lucy and some others were here. The guild members too went outside to see our fight. I saw gray together with them and Natsu was standing across me. I then said to Gray, “You aren’t fighting me?” He replied, “You will fight Natsu first.” I then said, “I will fight you together with Natsu, both at the same time. So it’s 2 vs 1.”  The guild members then started to whisper to each other and I heard someone say, “That’s crazy! Both Gray and Natsu are equally strong and if they combine together and fight, it will be very hard to win.” I smirked and say to Gray, who had a are-you-sure look on his face, “Come on, Gray.” He nodded and stood next to Natsu. Master was the referee and said loudly, “GO!!” Natsu then came at me with his fist lit with flames and said, “Karyuu no tekken!” He tried to hit me but I jumped up. Gray then said, “Natsu don’t get all the fight for yourself.” He then said, “Ice-make, Hammer.” A hammer then appeared and tried to hit me but I dodged it. I then knew Natsu was a fire dragon slayer and Gray was an Ice-make mage. I then knew what to do. I then said, “Karyuu no houkou!!” I took a large breath and blew flames out of my mouth and it was twice the power of Natsu’s. It made a direct hit on Natsu and Gray. Natsu tried to inhale my flames but he couldn’t so he took the damage head on. After the dust cleared, I saw him and Gray struggling to get up. I then said, “That’s the end of our match.” And put out both my hands to Natsu and Gray. They took my hands with a smile and stood up. Natsu suddenly said, “YOUR’RE A FIRE DRAGON SLAYER TOO?!” I then giggled and nodded. But actually I’m not. I have other powers too that makes me extremely powerful. But I want to keep it as a secret and surprise them. I mentally laughed at that thought. Natsu and Gray then made their way to the infirmary. I then shouted to Natsu, “Here take this.” I then blew flames to him and he gladly accepted. He then said, “Your flames taste good, Y/N.” I then gave a closed eye smile to him and Gray.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This chapter is shorter than the previous but still enjoy it. Leave some comment for me too and like this story too. Thanks!~JOANNE1710

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