Chapter 8- My First Job

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Chapter 8- My First Mission
Sorry, my readers. I had a lot of school activities during these two weeks, so I couldn’t update. I’m so sorry. So this is my update. ENJOY! 



“Finally, you joined Fairy Tail and now you’re going on your first mission. I’m proud of you, Y/N.” A voice said. I could see a silhouette of a woman with long flowing hair. She was talking to me with a soft and warm voice. When she said my name, it sounded so familiar to me, like someone I known from young. Then she faded away and all I could see was darkness. Then I said, “Don’t go. Tell me who you are.” She said, “You will know when the time comes.” Then, my eyes opened instantly and I sat up immediately. I saw Twinkle next to me sleeping soundly and because of me waking up so suddenly, I accidentally shook the bed which caused Twinkle to open her eyes. She said sleepily while rubbing the sleep out her eyes, “What’s wrong, Y/N? You never wake up before me.” I then said truthfully, “I saw a silhouette of someone when I was sleeping. She talked to me too.” She then ask curiously, “What did she say?” I replied, “She said she was proud of me that I joined Fairy Tail and was going on my first mission. When I asked her who she was, she said I will know when the time comes. Who do you think she is, Twinkle?” She said, “Well, just forget about it and let’s get some more sleep.” She then lay her head on her pillow and started to snore slightly. I laughed at her actions, then I decided to do what she suggested and try to get some sleep. But, I just couldn’t get any, so I decided to shower first and try to relax in the jacuzzi. I started to get up without waking Twinkle. I realized it was 7 in the morning and I had 1 hour to relax, since Twinkle and me get up only around 8. I guess the team will also wake up around that time. I went to the bathroom and got the water running in the jacuzzi. What the woman said kept replaying in my head. I couldn’t get it out. Once I saw that the water was enough, I closed the tap and went inside the jacuzzi. Then, I started to climb in and soaked myself in the tub (without clothes obviously). Then, I started to fade into darkness.

“Y/N?” I heard Twinkle say. I opened my eyes then I realized she was next to me with her paw resting on my hand. I asked her, “What happened?” She said seriously, “You fell asleep in the jacuzzi. Luckily I woke up, if not you would have drowned.” I then said, feeling apologetic, “Okay, I won’t do that again.” I then said with a smile plastered on my face, “Want to join me? We have time.” She thought for a while then she nodded slightly. After I finished showering, I went to make breakfast. I also decided to make the pills that can cure motion sickness for Natsu while making breakfast. After making some pancakes and bacon with Twinkle’s help to set the table, I went to wake the team up. Twinkle just sat down on the sofa and watched TV.  I went to Gray’s and Natsu’s room since their’s were the nearest to the kitchen. When I went to Gray’s room, I found him sleeping with his boxers, plus… he was sleeping on the floor somehow. I shook him and said, “Gray, time to wake up.” He said while rubbing his eyes, “Oh, okay.”  I then added, “Oh yah, Gray, put on some pants first before you come out.” He then asked, “Why?” I then said, “Gray, look down.” He did as what I said and looked down and only saw that he was only in his boxers and freaked out. I added, “Gray, go with me to wake the rest of the members up. You can wash up with Natsu later.” Gray nodded and after putting on some pants, he went with me from his room to Natsu’s room. Me and Gray entered Natsu’s room quietly. Surprisingly, he sleeps peacefully. I hinted to Gray and we decided to stand on each side of his bed and pull his ears and poke his face to wake him up. Shortly, he did and started to scream loudly, “Who did that?!” Gray and I started to laugh loudly and he said, “Gray, you bastard, you were the one who did it right?!” He then lunged at Gray, and when he was about to punch Gray, I snapped my fingers and they froze. I then pulled them apart. Gray was beside me and Natsu was at the other side of the bed. I then snapped my fingers again and they started to move again. Natsu then started to scream, “Gray, when did you go there?” He lunged at Gray again, and I said, “Okay, enough guys, let’s go wake Lucy and Erza.” Then we heard a familiar voice saying, “Fish?” Then Natsu said excitedly, “Let’s go Happy.”  Then Happy asked sleepily while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, “Go where, Natsu?” He said, “To wake Erza and Lucy.” Then he dashed out of the room. Gray ran after him and Happy flew saying, “Wait for me!” Since there was no one around and since I have to prevent Erza from killing him, I decided to teleport to the staircase and if they were faster than me, I would just stop time.

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